View Full Version : Does anyone experience weird dreams?

21-01-13, 03:24
Hi what does it mean when you have weird dreams? By this i mean i am completely asleep and when i wake up i don't remember any dreams and then during the day i start to remember things that i thought happened... like a conversation with someone or it could be asking someone to do something but it did not exist then i realize i dreamed about it? This is usually things that could simply exists i did and it is so real that sometimes during the day i really thought i said it or did it until i remember it was a dream? By the way this is really hard to explain so im trying my best for it to make sense. I also suffer from anxiety the doctors think because i am having symptoms of anxiety but ive noticed this alot lately it is almost like ive done real life things in my sleep?

21-01-13, 10:21
Hi what does it mean when you have weird dreams? By this i mean i am completely asleep and when i wake up i don't remember any dreams and then during the day i start to remember things that i thought happened... like a conversation with someone or it could be asking someone to do something but it did not exist then i realize i dreamed about it? This is usually things that could simply exists i did and it is so real that sometimes during the day i really thought i said it or did it until i remember it was a dream? By the way this is really hard to explain so im trying my best for it to make sense. I also suffer from anxiety the doctors think because i am having symptoms of anxiety but ive noticed this alot lately it is almost like ive done real life things in my sleep?

ive had dreams like this that ive remembered during the day and was shocked and suprised that a conversation or event took place auctaully didnt take place.i remember asking my hubby about something that i said or happened in and we realised it had been a dream..i think its all to do with our anxiety..nothing can be abnormal with anxiety as so much seems to be connected with it.

21-01-13, 13:33
ok thank you.. i was so worried and it makes me confused and don't like saying too much people probably think im going mad... oh anxiety can do some mad things.

21-01-13, 21:19
ok thank you.. i was so worried and it makes me confused and don't like saying too much people probably think im going mad... oh anxiety can do some mad things.
lol,ive felt exactly the same..at least on here we know we wont be judged.were all in the same boat and it really helps to know others have experienced the same things as us..i remember it really freaking me out the first time it happened.x

22-01-13, 06:01
We forget most of our dreams within 10 minutes of waking up, some people do like to write down their dreams, I know I do.
Dreams can be crazy, realistic, emotional and can affected you trough out the day.

It's normal for things that happen in real life to trigger off a dream memory.
They say dreaming is how our brains sort and organize our memories.
It happens me too, sometimes I won't be sure if the memory really happened or if it was a dream lol

24-01-13, 21:05
lol well thank you so much for your replies you made me feel so much better i thought i was going mad lol x

26-01-13, 05:19
ive had weird dreams most of my life and they do affect me ie make me anxious, depressed etc, i try not to over analyze them but they are very powerful at times

little kyle
26-01-13, 05:26
All the time even if i fall asleep in a great mood

26-01-13, 05:36
All the time. The stage of therapy I'm at now is writing my dreams down when I remember them as dreams are the window into the subconscious.

I've had some odd ones this week such as elvis flying me to New York for a private party lol but others have made a lot of sense to me about what's troubling me deep down. If these type of dreams are regular are churning over and over in my sub conscious all night it's no wonder I have anxiety during the day. I need to deal with these issues and feelings and hopefully that will get rid of the anxiety.

26-01-13, 16:19
ok thank you it makes me feel so better that i am not going mad lol ive got a constant physical feeling during the day numbness and if it ain't that it is dizziness lol but yes makes alot of sense how dreams can be so powerful during the night and makes sense why we could possibly feel so bad during the say... it is our subconscious minds if only there was some way in deleting them subconscious thought. Than you everyone for your help much appreciated :)

26-01-13, 17:25
you cant delete them but with therapy you should be able to address the underlying issues which sit in your sub conscious. As above, my therapist has said that dreams are the best way to see into your sub conscious so if you can recall some dreams its a good start for your therapist to help you along

Granny Primark
26-01-13, 17:35
I dream about my deceased parents all the time. However I do dream funny things.
Last night I dreamnt I ate a huge marshmallow and woke up to find me pillow had gone.:D:winks::blush:

26-01-13, 21:39
I have the strangest dreams. some i wake up and thing nothing of them, then sometimes i dream about really dark and emptional things from my past. stuff i dont even think about while im awake. I have ocd and anxiety which isnt helped with these dreams - i end up waking up with full on anxiety. oddly though there could be a week solid where i will not dream at all. just so bizzarr

26-01-13, 23:56
ok thank you everyone yeah i think my mind is subcutaneously running things through my mind and it just feels like it is going 100 miles a hour... also rioblu i think i may have ocd is it where you have to have everything straight and tidy and i also i don't like mess and i constantly smell everything i touch is this signs please?

27-01-13, 00:40
I occasionally dream about being re-united with my 1st serious girlfriend Diane 23 years ago, I miss her so much as we had some great times together.

The dreams I have about Diane only happen occasionally & seem so real, but what happens in the dream really does'nt make sense, I dreamt of her last week having dyed her hair black & I always seem to be slowly working on a reconcilliation but she plays hard to get, & then I wake up, quite strange. When I awake I feel very sad that it was only just a dream:weep:

27-01-13, 01:13
My dream lastnight was the cast of Dragon's den and Tony Blackburn were in my flat trying to help with my anxiety:)

27-01-13, 07:54
I had to get up this morning as I was dreaming about my Grandfather, that in itself made it a good dream as I miss him a lot at the moment because I just lost my dog and want someone to take the pain away. The strange part of the dream that actually made me get out of bed was a wasp nest in the house that I grew up in, I am terrified of wasps and they were flying all around my head.

27-01-13, 09:14
i have dreamt about all manner of things over the years. Fluoxetine generally makes my dreams more vivid. I've had dreams about meeting people who have died - these were usually nice because it was good to see them. Others have been pretty bad like one time a mass killing in a cave or people being hit by vehicles etc. But they are just dreams. Oh, plane crashing - same dream over & over. But yean they are just dreams. I dont attach any meaning to them. Sometimes if they are vivid enough it can affect my mood for an hour or two in the morning, but not because I'm dwelling on the subject of them, more if it was stressful, its as if the stress needs to work its way out of my body.

27-01-13, 14:21
I think that some of your dreams are different to mine because i have actually had a dream about asking someone something but waking up in the morning not remembering the dream and then throughout the day it comes back to me and i thought i really had asked that person what i dreamed... I does not happen often but very weird and im not on any medication.

27-01-13, 15:07
I think that some of your dreams are different to mine because i have actually had a dream about asking someone something but waking up in the morning not remembering the dream and then throughout the day it comes back to me and i thought i really had asked that person what i dreamed... I does not happen often but very weird and im not on any medication.

ah, well i do have dreams that come back to me in the daytime. the scariest was when i dreamt about my hairdressers changing the layout of the salon. when i got there - they'd done it just like my dream. didnt like that much as no way could i have known
also i had one about meeting a person that one of my bosses knew. the night i had the dream about meeting that person,, they died. eek. that was years ago thankfully but all my friends were saying "please dont dream about me"!!!!

27-01-13, 16:27
ah, well i do have dreams that come back to me in the daytime. the scariest was when i dreamt about my hairdressers changing the layout of the salon. when i got there - they'd done it just like my dream. didnt like that much as no way could i have known
also i had one about meeting a person that one of my bosses knew. the night i had the dream about meeting that person,, they died. eek. that was years ago thankfully but all my friends were saying "please dont dream about me"!!!!

wow that is strange.. i bet that was scary too? are you sure you ain't a bit psychic? lol

27-01-13, 22:17
wow that is strange.. i bet that was scary too? are you sure you ain't a bit psychic? lol
At the time it was scary but it was years ago now.
I wish I was psychic, then I could win the lottery ha ha.
Off to bed now for more dreams, wot will it b 2nite?

28-01-13, 00:57
At the time it was scary but it was years ago now.
I wish I was psychic, then I could win the lottery ha ha.
Off to bed now for more dreams, wot will it b 2nite?

haha yeah would be nice, good luck :)

29-01-13, 06:39
Glad to hear weird dreams are 'normal'. I have them a lot and some really scary ones at times.
The worst time I've felt what you described was when I was taking mirtazapine, I got fearful of going to sleep in case I had strange dreams.
Lately most of my dreams seem connected to things I've seen or heard during the day, it's like the brain is processing the thoughts in a way that makes sense to me.
Can't wait for the nice dreams to start reappearing.

29-01-13, 11:39
I've had weird dreams lately too including er, ahem, *naughty* dreams about people I really don't want to dream about in that way. I can't look at them in the eye the next day :S eww I just try to see it as my mind processing something that manifests itself in that way for some reason. I love those really cool dreams where I'm leaping and flying about.

29-01-13, 17:33
Glad to hear weird dreams are 'normal'. I have them a lot and some really scary ones at times.
The worst time I've felt what you described was when I was taking mirtazapine, I got fearful of going to sleep in case I had strange dreams.
Lately most of my dreams seem connected to things I've seen or heard during the day, it's like the brain is processing the thoughts in a way that makes sense to me.
Can't wait for the nice dreams to start reappearing.

Hi yes they are very scary and i think the worst part of it is where they are so real you are not sure if it is a dream or not.. That is exactly right i might of looked at something during the day then i dreamed something about it or happening and it is so real i can even see it in my dream and i wake up not remembering it and then throughout the day it comes back to me making no sense... As mentioned ive even thought i asked someone to do something but remembered it was in my dream. It has got to be linked to anxiety i thought i was going mad and im only 19 :(

29-01-13, 20:10
I've had weird dreams lately too including er, ahem, *naughty* dreams about people I really don't want to dream about in that way. I can't look at them in the eye the next day :S eww I just try to see it as my mind processing something that manifests itself in that way for some reason. I love those really cool dreams where I'm leaping and flying about.

That happened to me once with my then boss. It was really quite unnerving as he was the last person I would want to snog!!! Luckily it was years ago:blush:

29-01-13, 20:56
I started getting weird vivid dreams when I started taking Sertraline.

Does anyone know the song Anti-D by The Wombats? It describes very well the side effects of SSRIs.

Our vivid dreams are just like big production movies
That get entangled well within our daily routines

I've also had the feeling of confusion when I can't remember whether something happened in a dream or not. In my first few months taking Sertraline I used to get nightmares where I'd be driving, sometimes a car, sometimes a massive lorry or bus, and I'd be out of control and I'd wake up just as I crashed. Weirdly these dreams went away as soon as I started taking driving lessons, I think because the anxiety that I wouldn't know what to do if I suddenly found myself in charge of a vehicle went away.

I still get wacky dreams sometimes and they are so vivid but after 3 years I'm used to them and can usually laugh at them. I've also had the uncomfortable naughty dreams about people I don't want to dream about. I see it as my mind playing tricks on me, working against me to come up with scenarios that I don't want to happen and trying to persuade me that they might. A way of torturing and mocking myself. So I just laugh at the dreams.