View Full Version : Struggling

21-01-13, 06:40

well the last few days I've been feeling terrible. I have several issues at the moment worrying me which I won't go into again as I've posted about them before, but my anxiety is in overdrive. I can't relax or distract myself I'm at my wits end. I feel like crying all the time, I feel scared all the time, I have trouble getting through each day as every minute is filled with fear about for my health. I'm currently in therapy trying desperately to get a handle on this and some days I do feel better and am able to rationalise my worries. However the last few days I've just fallen apart, everything is getting to me and I just don't know what to do. I hate health anxiety, I hate what it's doing to my life. I wish I were stronger and could have dealt with the original problems that started my current bout of HA better so I didn't have this awful condition. I read posts on here by inspirational people such as Ddcoo and how she's bravely fighting a real problem and I feel humbled and a little guilty but I can't help feeling this intense fear all the time. I hope that someday soon I am able to get over this.

Sorry for venting I just want to feel better and normal and not to live what is left of my life in constant fear of dying because it's not living at all it's hell.

Daisy Sue
21-01-13, 06:47
hi Eek.. sorry you're having such a hard time :( when is your next therapy appointment? if it's not real soon, like in the next couple of days, can you ring to speak to your therapist?

i hate anxiety too, and the control it has over me and things i want to do.. i hate the way it overrides my logic.. i've always viewed it as some kind of monster that lurks and then comes out to get me when it feels like it. i'm sure it's a control thing - we feel useless and helpless against the anxiety and its symptoms, but in truth we're not - we're actually the ones who can empower ourselves against it, and all it takes is the right tools..

you will get there, don't give up fighting for those tools, you're on the right track with seeing a therapist. i hope you can get to see or speak to her very soon, & get yourself past this bad patch.

21-01-13, 07:55
i could have written that myself eek. im currently on 5ml escalipram, and it is helping. HA is really really awful. xx

21-01-13, 09:03
How are the night sweats going? still continuing?
hang in there.

21-01-13, 11:07
yes Justin I'm still getting the night sweats :(

22-01-13, 01:13
Still feeling bad today, when is this going to stop? It feels like I'm going crazy I just want to feel normal again but I can't :(

22-01-13, 01:19
Have you had your hormone levels checked? Menopause?
GERD oftens brings about night sweats.

22-01-13, 01:37
Yes Justin I had hormone tests and they came back completely normal so it's not menopause and I don't have GERD so it's not that either. I just worry that there is cancer somewhere inside me that is causing this and they won't find out until it's too late.