View Full Version : anti-depressants

01-09-06, 06:17
how long does it usually take for them to start working? ive been taking paxil 10mg once a day for a little over a week now, like about 10 days. i dont see any difference really, and today i started feeling worse than ever. im getting a lot of tiny panic attacks. it really upset me and now im feeling very unreal. but yeah back to my question, how long about would it take for me to start seeing a difference for the paxil to kick in?

01-09-06, 06:55
I felt unreal on Paxil and swapped to Lexapro (escitalopram) and much better.
They can take a few weeks before you feel any better but one drug isnt the same for the next.
Lexapro works faster it seems.

Keep trying this one and if you still feel no difference or it still makes you feel unreal then try another.

I tried many before I got right one.
I am on two and seroquel and feel great.

Hope that helped.

Learning to under react

03-09-06, 06:47
is medicin really the cure? coz im suffering of what you have ... should i take it?

Lonely Heart

03-09-06, 14:17
hello.im on 40 mgs of paxil for about 2 months now or a little less i dont feel any different but i do i guess cause when i did go on them i was in a bad way as in depression which i dont suffer with but at the time i was depressed form an illness i had but i think it helped that but i still have anxiety but i need to work on that......give it at least a month to feel any different to 6 weeks ok,,,best to ya Linda[8D]

03-09-06, 18:15
when i first went on a/d it took months for them to work, i thought they would kick in straight away and id feel great but little did i know that i did get worse before i got better!! please be patient the tablets will work you just have to give them time, good luck

mandy d

03-09-06, 18:17
when i first went on a/d it took months for them to work, i thought they would kick in straight away and id feel great but little did i know that i did get worse before i got better!! please be patient the tablets will work you just have to give them time, good luck

mandy d

03-09-06, 21:39
me too magenta mandy
3 mnths at least

we are all stronger people after having this

04-09-06, 12:01
Posts saying you have to give them time are spot on, and the thing is they work slowly, you dont really realise they have kicked in till one day you dont panic about something.
I am on Fluoxetine (Prozac) 20mg a day and when I try to come off them every so often I get very ill again, so they really are working but most of the time you dont realise the work they are doing.
I understand the debate about whether we should all be on meds or not, but I am so terrible without medication, I get paranoid, agressive and have huge panic attacks. I work in the media and its not really a place you can go around panicking. I think I am a better person on the meds.
But do be patient, if after about 3 months you dont feel better go back to the doc. I will think of you.[8D]

04-09-06, 14:38
They take 6-8 weeks to feel effects for some people and 12 weeks to get up to full effect.

Its a subtle effect- you won't get up one morning and feel fine but one morning you may realize that the last few days haven't been quite so grim and it will improve from there. It will not protect you from having blips or any bad days but wil hopefully raise your mood and coping mechanisms.

There are several on the market so its ok to say one doesn't suit and to swap to another one


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress