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21-01-13, 10:32
Distinguish between actual bi polar and anxiety about bi polar.

I've only been on mirtazapine for 3 weeks. I stopped taking Prozac after a bad manic espisode leading to an accident by going cold turkey (I was on it for 2 weeks). I had a negative thyroid test.

I know it runs in the family. As I stayed with a very closely related relative who supposed to have bipolar. As over 3 days. I noticed a sad low one day, normal behaviour then a manic moment on the last day when I fled the house in fear. I haven't yet returned. However she iS against any drugs and prefer to suffer. I don't see the point. As her experience of psychiatry is influenced by now out dated bad experiences of mental illness incurred by her then husband.

I'm due for an assessment and I will tell them I have magic moments where I think I have supernatural powers, say outrageous things, suffer from delusions of grandeur follows by very deep lows where I am feeling so unworthy. My fear of failure stops me from going too far in harming myself. And the threat of prison suddenly stops me from harming others. I just don't know whether I'm just depressed/anxious or having a bipolar moment.

I just feel sad today. The fact it's the 21 jan, doesn't help. Sorry.

paula lynne
21-01-13, 11:00
Blue Monday indeed...
Im no Doctor, so the answer to your question probably lies with your doctor..Im sure you will get a clearer picture of what you are experiencing when you have your assessment. Meanwhile, put the kettle on and enjoy your daffodils :)

21-01-13, 17:42
Thanks. Will go to gp Tuesday. I'm so fed up of the roller coaster moments today. Unusually for me there's no associated manic moments today though. I don't think so.