View Full Version : Pain in big toes

21-01-13, 13:39
Does anyone get pain in their big toes. It really hurts to walk. Has been on and off for a few weeks now - scary thing is that this weekend my left toe felt numb along one side. Am due to go to Doc tomorrow as he has called me about my thyroxine following recent blood test check - could it be related to that or is it to do with menopause? Don't think I am diabetic as have no other symptons - guess it might be gout. Am 49 year old female who has gine through menopause. Please help am really anxious!

21-01-13, 13:48
A blood test will tell if its Gout,and drugs are very good at relieving it if it is.
It could also be caused by arthritis.Either way your Dr will prescribe suitable medication once your blood tests are back.
A friend of mine was given Amitriptyline for pain in his toes,a low dose is very effective when caused by Osteoarthritis.Hope you feel better soon.

21-01-13, 13:53
Thanks for that Clarisse, will mention it to him tomorrow.