View Full Version : could cry ....

21-01-13, 15:56
Just had call from doc that I arranged for today to discuss my side effects of cit .... and he has advised me to stop taking it asap
I have been so sick and feeling horrendous, but now I feel this last 12 days has been for nothing???
Please help people has anyone else found hope after coming off an anti D? :weep:

21-01-13, 16:02
I'm sorry to hear that, I have a review with the doctor in a week to see how the cit is going but I still have all the side effects. I'm so jittery, seem to have involuntary movements. Extremely tired all the time and not coping too well. Thankfully I havent been sick but I have had some nausea issues.

Just trying to be patient and hoping theres a change during week 3.

21-01-13, 16:05
thats what I was hoping but it was my consultant that put me on cit in the first place and my gp didnt agree because it can make you have all the anxiety symptoms but worse! he says Im not depressed so might try something else but i could honestly cry I feel so deflated :(

21-01-13, 16:17
It happened to someone else on here who was taking cit, she was then changed to sertraline and is doing much better now. x

21-01-13, 16:19
really? hopefully he can give me somthing else ....

21-01-13, 17:19
I feel for you - it must be so frustrating for this to happen. But if you were in such discomfort that your doctor told you to stop, then it's clearly not the right med for you.

However, there is still hope. This is taken from the citalopram survival guide:

However, what does not seem to be commonly known, is that of the people who do not get any benefit from the first medication they try, the majority (up to approximately 70%) will find benefits from the second or third antidepressant they try.

21-01-13, 17:29
Aw thank you, that is reassuring. I was willing to keep trying but he didn't think it was good that I was being sick every day, although I had nausea before I started cit.
I will see what he says tomorrow, he wants me in at 11am to discuss my issues. I foresee no sleep tonight!