View Full Version : Anxious about not feeling myself!!!!!

21-01-13, 15:59
Just a few questions about worries Iv been having that's making me feel anxious and panicky!!

I no ppl with health anxiety they worry about illnesses, heart attacks, cancers etc, is it possible to have mental health anxiety? I'm constantly obsessing over having schzophrinia, pyscosis any mental health problem I can think of, few days ago it was bipolar today it's personality disorder, I even felt brave enough to google it!!!!!!! Deep down I sort of know I don't have them but it's like I'm in a constant battle with myself to really believe it.

Also today I really don't feel like myself, I'm doing everything I should be, but just don't feel "all there". Feel like I don't have any emotions also like I'm numb mentally. I'm torturing myself by thinking really deep about how I feel, I analyse every wee thing I say or do to look for signs that I have something more than anxiety.

Also this is day 10 of citalopram 10mg.

Freaking out incase I stop functioning, go into my own head and fail to recognise anyone or anything. :(

Any feedback would be appreciated sooo much.
Thank you
Paula xx

21-01-13, 16:12
Paula this is a common feeling with anxiety, you are certainly not alone with these feelings :hugs:

21-01-13, 16:23
100% agree with Annie. It's all part of the joys of having anxiety..... although it is hard to believe when you're there in that moment. I thought I had lost my mind some days, I couldn't remember how to do the simplest of tasks and couldn't/didn't communicate with anyone for fear of really losing the plot. You are most certainly not alone. Big hugs. xx

21-01-13, 16:34
Hi Paula,
Try not to worry its still early days on the cit. Its sounds to me like its the anxiety it makes you start to think all sorts of irashional things because your adrenalin is racing making you think something more is wrong.

Take care

21-01-13, 16:47
Thanks so much everyone, this site is great and words from others so comforting when your feeling like this. Xxxx

21-01-13, 17:34
we all have days of not feeling there, try not to dwell on them :bighug1: