View Full Version : Going away from my Safety Zone!

01-09-06, 10:04
I am going away this afternoon till Monday, i have been doing realy well latley, and i am real pleased with the progress i have made.
Im very nervous this morning as i am going to the Coast, staying in a friends Caravan, the last couple of days i have felt my anxiety come back, even to the the stage where i started to panic in the supermarket last night and had to leave, i hope i will be be ok when i get there, i dont want to spoil it for my family.
Why cant i just look forward to holidays like most people do?

Anyway, will let you know how things went when i get home.



01-09-06, 10:11
hi andrea,
Claire weekes suggests we take holidays! she says it a change would do us good! something like that anyway!
Enjoy your holiday, i like to hear that sufferers are still living their life and taking holidays etc.
Forget the supermarket drama {hard i know} but it was just a blip. it happens, you can beat this. you go and have a fab holiday!
Becci x

polly daydream
01-09-06, 10:18
Hi Andrea, you will be fine hun, take plenty to read and some games, this will keep your mind occupied. Just relax and have a great time, I am a bit like you when I go away but I refuse to let the anxiety beat me.

Take care sweet,

Polly x

01-09-06, 10:33
Hi Andrea,

Have a great holiday, I bet once you get there you'll be fine and have a fab time. The anticipatory anxiety about things is usually worse than the actual event.

Have fun,

Lisa x

01-09-06, 14:09

What you are going through is completely normal when you're anxious.

All our ' whats if's' kick in with a vengance. Anything from wheres the nearest loo to what if I panic and make a fool of myself - we've all been there.

I wouldn't even attempt to go away when I was acute - so good on you and remember you can manage even if you do have rough moments and mostly you will settle and once you feel safe and in control there you will feel better and living something is easier than planning all the awful things that might go wrong ....

Have a good time


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

01-09-06, 14:16
Thanks all, very much for your replies
My Husband is on his way home from work and we are setting off shortly.
I have got some magazines to read for the journey,im dreading the journey there as i hate been in traffic jams and traffic lights, i usually have to lay down on the back seat in the car while the panic goes away, i havent been on a motorway for along time. So its going to be a challenge for me.
Thankyou all !

Im thinking positive ! The anxiety isnt going to beat me !!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend



01-09-06, 15:15
Have a super time and I look forward to hearing all about it on your return.:D

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

05-09-06, 13:29

Well im home from my weekend break, and i am still in one peace, im really pleased that i managed the trip, but im absolutley tired out with fighting the anxiety!
The Journey there was ok i read my magazines, the traffic was fine we didnt get held up in any traffic jams, i sat in the back of the car the whole duration, i did have occasions when i thought i was going to panic but managed to distract my thoughts,so that was good.
I managed a walk on the beach, and even went into the local supermarket without panic, i just wish i could have done more though, i had to spend alot of time on my own in the caravan as i was afraid to go to the places where my husband and daughter wanted to visit, i knew it would be busy so i decided to stay putt. My husband gets anoid that i wont attempt to go, but i no with the past holidays i have had and been with them to busy places i have to quickly get back to the car. I hate to think i spoil it for them!
On the way home my husband stopped at a Airoplane Museum, it was nice and quiet, i did real well and managed to stay at the museum the whole duration, (luckily the areolplanes where outside so that helped).im really pleased with that too.
I geuss every step i took while away was a step forward, at times i dont feel like it is as i wish i just could be normal, but i keep reminding myself how far i have come from the days i was housebound, im hoping things will get easier.

Thanks for reading



05-09-06, 16:04

So it was all positive. You went, you did more than you thought you would, you stayed and were sensible and you didn't panic.

Good for you and many congratulations ...

Great - you've learnt that distraction can fend off panic -
Energy follows thought .

Change your thinking and you can change your reactions and responses.

Now you've learnt that , you can start to build on it and learn and practice that as you are optimistic and reassuring with yourself and stop giving yourself endless scary/ negative messages that you stop feeling so scared !!

Its takes lots of practice to kick in and learn but it does happen.


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

05-09-06, 17:32
Hi Andrea

Well done for doing all those things. Distraction really does help - I always take a magazine in the car too. Or I chatter like crazy to my husband about absolutely anything!

I went away for a week in the summer hols with my little girl and my parents. When I first arrived I called my husband and told him I felt really anxious because I had no safety zone. But after that first night, I realised the cabin we stayed in was a safe zone too. I was still in control. I do have my difficult days (there's a few posted here!), but like you, even though I wish I could do more, I know that I am making progress. These achievements are huge for us and we must appreciate them.

You showed the panic that it is not in control. You are showing your brain that you can do things and they aren't dangerous. So well done you! [8D]


06-09-06, 20:49
Thankyou Meg and Lisa for your replies,

Im going to try and work on those negative messages Meg, thankyou for your kind advice.

