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21-01-13, 19:12
Evening everyone.

I used to have terrible anxiety but the past few yrs its became more of an annoyance as I got it under control. However I am having a relapse after a panic attack last week at work. I have not let it stop me and have continued to go to work, however I am struggling a bit and have a presentation on Wednesday. I feel I should tell work as I don't want to embarrass them in front of a client. Should I tell work of my situation, they are a caring company and I have had a lot on my plate, just moved, mum in hospital, girl friend is pregnant.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



21-01-13, 19:16
If there is someone at work who you feel you can talk to then i would tell them how you are feeling about the presentation.

21-01-13, 19:25
Thanks, they are very understanding but I am wary they will keep me from future presentations therefore creating a habit of avoidance.

21-01-13, 20:20

If you do not want to miss the presentation on Wednesday, then what's needed to give you the confidence to do the presentation.


22-01-13, 07:54
Well it's just the fear of a panic attack and embarrassing the company, as I say normally I get through them just this little setback has knocked my confidence. I guess just them saying do it and if it happens it happens .

22-01-13, 08:47
Im agree with jonny, its just a fear of panic attack, no happens like that you should go for presentation on Wednesday.

22-01-13, 23:59

Rehearse your presentation. Repeat many times until you are comfortable.
You will then have all the confidence you need because you will have mastered your material. Besides, your company knows you can do it.

Allow for some flexibility, if you a miss a word or phrase then you will be
able to cope better.

May be you feel you will not be 100 % relaxed but who is?
Some are more comfortable than others. Well, they learned
to be comfortable. It comes with practice.

If you know your material and you have well rehearsed
you are almost there.

Visualize one of your successful presentations, feel how you felt then.
You can do it because you've done it before.
