View Full Version : New inhaler/flixotide/shortness of breath

21-01-13, 19:21
I have been back to the doctors today as I have been unable to see my own doctor since before Christmas. Before Christmas I had a chest infection and then a cold and lost my voice. All this left me with some breathing difficulties and tight chest and shortness of breath especially when going upstairs. I increased my purple inhaler and my blue one. That was wrong as there was an imbalance in the steroids being given. It was impossible to get a Drs appointment during the Christmas period and I thought I was doing them a favour! Anyone reading this who is asthmatic do not try to self medicate your inhalers!! I now have an appointment with the asthma nurse to try to sort out the dose. EJ

29-01-13, 22:48
My appointment with the asthma clinic is on Thursday. I think that my asthma is linked with my anxiety i.e. shortness of breath when I am anxious. I'm still out of breath when I climb the three flights of stairs to my bosses workshop. After I had the chest infection I was frightened that I would stop breathing in the night. This is me one who has not suffered from health anxiety before. EJ

29-01-13, 23:08
EJ it would frighten me to have asthma too. The trouble is the breathing thing is not only connected to the asthma but also to the anxiety, and one will often make the other worse.........oh the joys of having anxiety and panic!!!.......it leaves us not quite knowing what's what:wacko:

Hopefully your appointment will prove positive for you hun, I will be thinking of you EJ :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: