View Full Version : Chest and arm paiin really scared

anx mum
21-01-13, 21:14
For 2 months now ive had chest pains central like a dull ache. Now im getting pain in my left arm the pain moves down my arm and my shoulder is sore to touch also i keep getting pins and needles and my arm feels weak. Im really scared what could this be? Last night i went to hospital cos still getting chest pain abit and arm was hurting they told me ecg was fine i was convinced something wrong with my heart. Really am fed up with this pain:weep:

21-01-13, 21:24
What did they say it could be Bev and I thought you weren't going to keep going to A&E now?

You could have a trapped nerve I guess. Maybe you need to see an ostpeopath or a physio.

21-01-13, 21:28
Hi, I have the exact same thing, like an ache central chest area right between the breast bone, also have had tingling in fingers and once lost the use of my arm, the ache is still there and I darent do anything energetic because Im afraid of a heart attack!! I do have GERD but never had this ache before, its been going on for a few weeks now, I did notice today though that I got really stressed and it got worse, I wonder if its all to do with anxiety? but then Im not anxious right now and the ache/pain is still there:shrug:

Hope you soon get sorted:)

anx mum
21-01-13, 21:40
Well i wasent going to hospital but the pain is out of control had this pain in my arm at least 2 weeks now surly something would of happend by now if it was heart related? my doctor is trying to get me an injection cos my arm aches so much. Does anything help your arm pain which arm is it?

21-01-13, 21:50
My arm pain in the right one, its more like a throbbing pain than sharp but really scares me!

21-01-13, 21:50
It is not heart related I am fairly sure of that.

anx mum
21-01-13, 21:53
nicola a heart problem wouldnt of lasted this long?

21-01-13, 22:01
No and you have had all the checks done many times as well

anx mum
22-01-13, 20:49
Another bad day im praying my shoulder gets sorted soon keep thinking ive got angina with pain in arm and pain in chest surly it wouldnt of lasted this long:weep:

23-01-13, 09:18
Hi anx mum

I know haw you feel I get get constant chest pain/discomfit that starts as soon as I get out of bed and that travels to me left shoulder and down my left arm.

I know it can't be anxiety related (why could it be) as this precedes my panic attacks.

I'm lead to believe by the doctors I suffer from so called costochondritis (I say this because the doctors say costochondritis just to sum up any unknown chest pain now a days).
I have had a emg nerve test done on my left arm and that was clear so no nerve damage (was hope would be some then that would explain my arm discomfit).

But my pain/discomfit still happens and it has left me afraid to over do it leading to weight gain from not exercising.
I have a heart echo planned for tomorrow to hopefull find out once and for all.

But their my be some light at the end of the tunnel and that could be POSTURE bad posture can lead to one hell of a lot of discomfit in the chest and shoulder area and can lead to nerves getting slightly trapped and then you will get all the feelings you are getting.

What I would suggest could sound very extreme is if you have one set up a video camera in you main living area were you normal sit and record youself just sitting,watching the tv,using the computer and just general relaxing and then watch it back.

You may find that you will see yourself sitting slumped or hunched over on the sofa/chair that could be putting pressure on your chest and shoulders causing you your pain and discomfit.
Because with all the best intension in the world we try to or feel like we are correcting our posture but old habits die hard and without arming ourselfs with the knowledge that we are doing it we slump back into it.

Hope any of this helps

23-01-13, 12:25
i am also suffering chest pain and it is very frightening. I am fairly sure it is from 'bad posture'. I was trying to do some patchwork to relieve my anxiety:blush:but in doing so (i think) i was so tense, that I developed severe lower back pain and this awful pain/ache in my chest:weep: the problem is that although i am fairly sure of the cause I am still in a bad state of anxiety and panic.
I have been terribly lonely since Christmas and New Year and now house bound because of the weather.
AND i am told I should not feel so sorry for myself, lots of people are anxious like you. BUT that only makes me feel guilty - adding to my stress:weep:
Psychological factors like anxiety, apprehension and fear or panic attacks also play a role in sternum pain. In some cases, the affected persons may get very frightened at a perceived heat attack or death.

anx mum
23-01-13, 20:54
This has been an awful day my mum passed away 7 years today feels like yesterday spent half the day in tears. My arm and shoulder has been awful waiting for injection cant take no more all this pain is getting me down one thing after another

Daisy Sue
23-01-13, 22:20
This has been an awful day my mum passed away 7 years today feels like yesterday spent half the day in tears. My arm and shoulder has been awful waiting for injection cant take no more all this pain is getting me down one thing after another

:( so sorry ((hugs))

anx mum
24-01-13, 20:54
Well just got bk from hospital again had really bad chest pain:scared15: and arm pain just dont know what to believe my doc thinks its frozen shoulder a trapped nerve but why am i getting pain in chest im really scared doc did another ecg said it was ok but pain is bad at mo surly if it was heart related wouls show on scan?

24-01-13, 23:18
If you've had 2 ECGs now I would've thought something would show up. I know chest pain is very scary. Mine is in bottom ribs now but was in chest and also had ECG. Do painkillers help at all?


Andrea x

25-01-13, 14:17
Well just got bk from hospital again had really bad chest pain:scared15: and arm pain just dont know what to believe my doc thinks its frozen shoulder a trapped nerve but why am i getting pain in chest im really scared doc did another ecg said it was ok but pain is bad at mo surly if it was heart related wouls show on scan?

If I was you I would read up on costochondritis it sounds very much like it to me as I have been in your shoes for 3 years with it.

And I just had a heart echo done on the 24th, The nurse who done it said to her my heart looks ok just have to wait for the full report from the cardiologist to comeback so another week yet.

25-01-13, 14:51

You had these same pains back in February 2011 and ever since so that is nearly 2 years ago now and it was suggested to look into costochondritis then.

Have you asked your doctor about that as loads of people have suggested it over the past 2 years to you.

25-01-13, 14:53
Nicola is right.

By the way Nic the quote in your signature is very true and very inspiring. :)

25-01-13, 15:12
Yeah I like it Skippy

25-01-13, 15:14
Actually you had it back in January 2010 as well so that is 3 years now.

You really need to get to the bottom of it or accept it is anxiety if that is what they tell you but do ask about costochondritis

25-01-13, 21:56
If I was you I would read up on costochondritis it sounds very much like it to me as I have been in your shoes for 3 years with it.

And I just had a heart echo done on the 24th, The nurse who done it said to her my heart looks ok just have to wait for the full report from the cardiologist to comeback so another week yet.

Hi, my physio seems to think I have costo, do you get pain in your right side or left? Ive had pian for 2 years now in my right side, upper and lower ribs, also chest aches like mad! thought I was having a heart attack! not been checked for heart as yet tho.

anx mum
25-01-13, 22:33
On my left side also got arm pain too/pins and needles in left arm 2010 was completely different i had postnatal depression was diagnoised with acid reflex and had scatica too. My doc thinks i have a frozen shoulder and the chest pain is a seperate issue. Dont know what to think?

25-01-13, 23:03
No harm in asking the doc if he thinks it could be that though

25-01-13, 23:20
Hi anx mum , it sounds like me and have some of the same things going on gerd, chest pains, shoulder pain and also I get pains that run down my arm to my fingers.

Gerd/acid reflux discomfit can travel to the across the chest and from what I have heard to the shoulder are (it's all to do with the pain sensors) but costo can spread very easy to the shoulder and arm and that is made worse with anxiety because of tensing the chest muscles up. Also if you have costo it could like mine cause secondary problems because of posture, because you could be sitting awkwardly to help easy the pain in your chest area and that will cause trapped nerves in the shoulder and that in turn could be causing the pins and needles in the fingers.

---------- Post added at 23:20 ---------- Previous post was at 23:12 ----------

Hi, my physio seems to think I have costo, do you get pain in your right side or left? Ive had pian for 2 years now in my right side, upper and lower ribs, also chest aches like mad! thought I was having a heart attack! not been checked for heart as yet tho.

Hi k9love , the first 6 months for me was a living hell like you said it was like having a heart attack, when it first started it was in the centre and now that it has calmed down it is more on the right hand side mainly because of the way I have been sitting to combat the pain leaning on my left arm causing the chest to twist at a strange angle ( if you get my drift).

Your doctors first point of call before giving you a diagnosis of cost is to rule out heart problems first by 1st of doing a ECG and also a quick prod around the chest for tenderness (when my doctor did it for the first time I was in pain for about 2 weeks after) and then that may wise to send you to the chest pain clinic to do a treadmill ECG and only after they rule out heart problem can they say it is costo.

But from what you say it is very much likely it is costo.

anx mum
26-01-13, 21:38
wanted to go to pain clinic but now u have to be 40 and im 33. If nicola reads this what did your arm pain feel like and how long did u have the chest pains?

26-01-13, 22:07
It was not like muscular pain. It felt odd, hard to explain. It was also my right arm not my left (most people say they had pain in left arm with a heart attack).

The chest pains came on suddenly and didn't feel right. Not my usual chest pain I get with anxiety or indigestion.

Are they sure yours isn't indigestion?

anx mum
27-01-13, 20:37
Not indigestion. To be honest my shoulder and arm hurts the most at mo had it 3 weeks now is getting me down

28-01-13, 01:24
How do you know it isn't indigestion cos I never had any symptoms either?