View Full Version : Possible thyroid problem? Lump in throat.. Help

21-01-13, 21:23
I'm going for a blood test tomorrow to check my thyroid, liver, kidney because my doctor thinks the reasons behind excessive tiredness, dizziness etc could be anxiety but a blood test would be a good idea to check the level of hormones in my body just invade I have thyroid problems.

I went on the NHS website to read about underactive thyroid and all my symptoms match so I'm hoping it's that rather than anything serious. I have a lumpy uncomfortable throat/neck and when I move it, it feels kind of stiff. I can feel two lumps either side of my supposed thyroid and they've really worried me.

For some reason I'm not worried about thyroid cancer, but more worried about overly large lymph nodes. Are these lumps supposed to be there? Could it be if I have thyroid problems?

The reason I'm asking this and I know it sounds crazy but if the blood test comes back clear, then that means my thyroids fine but il just be overly worried about the lumps because I wont have an answer for it and create a new health worry in my head.

Any advice would be great.


21-01-13, 22:01
I have a thyroid nodule, which is like a lump in the throat down along your thyroid. I can see it, if I look in the mirror, and swallow. Most of them are harmless, however like mine.......... is a pain, and it has shown suspicion on a biopsy, so it's likely it will have to come out. My thyroid itself is fine, I take no medication for thyroid. So try no to get to upset, without having an ultrasound on your thyroid. Hope you feel better soon. :)