View Full Version : new and worried

21-01-13, 22:11
Hi, I've been lurking for years but now need more support.
I've had HA for a long time now, it began after post natal depression. I gave birth to my 5th child 11 weeks ago. Just before his birth my bp started to go up as I was convinced I'd die in childbirth, I was given lots of support and had stayed on seroxat. After I had him it stayed up, mostly borderline readings but every time I saw a doctor, it would shoot up! I've been feeling so scared and anxious since before I had him, my main worry now is that I'll have a heart attack or stroke due to my bp. Went to my go today and as I was telling him how scared I was, he said he would listen to my heart and then said he could hear a murmur! I've never had high bp or a murmur before, it didn't help as you can imagine! I get palpitations and thudding heart along with usual anxiety symptoms and I was already in a state before I went in to see him.

I now have to wait for an appointment for an echo which can take ages he said, he did say my pulse was strong and regular and he was pretty sure it was nothing but I'm so scared.

Im struggling at the moment. Sorry if that doesn't make sense

21-01-13, 22:21
a work friend of mine developed a heart murmour after giving birth but it turned out to be harmless if the doc felt it was something serious you would be seeing to by a cardioligist alot quicker your high bp is probably due to your anxiety do try and relax i know what its like waiting to seeing to by a cardioligist

21-01-13, 22:31
Thank you so much for replying, sometimes I find it hard to be rational!


21-01-13, 22:45
i know how you feel while waiting on my cardioligist app i was convinced i had all sorts of heart problems my gp couldn't believe the stuff i was coming off with even tho i got the all clear i still worry tho not as much

Daisy Sue
21-01-13, 22:52
i'm waiting for an appointment to get a 24hr heart monitor done, so i know the fear when it's your heart you're waiting to hear about..

murmurs can be really innocent though, and some people are born with them and only find out at times like this. i totally agree with dlr108 about your blood pressure, i've always had low, but the other night i got myself into a major panic attack (over my heart) and then checked my BP.... it was way higher than i've ever known it. purely down to the anxiety.

i also agree that if the doc had found any inkling of cause for concern, he would've sent you for checking out sooner.

22-01-13, 03:09
I have high blood pressure which is due to my anxiety. It spikes whenever I am worried that I have a serious illness and also when I visit the doctor because I think he is going to confirm that I have the serious illness that I am so worried about. He usually gets me to lie down and be calm for 10 or 15 minutes and then he takes it again. It can drop 20 points in that time. I am on medication and I hate it. I don't take medication for anything else. I have never taken medication for my anxiety preferring instead to attend therapy. My health anxiety started 11 years ago and I was convinced I had every major illness going. Eventually my doctor said "your thinking is becoming very morbid it's time to see a mental health expert" and he sent me to a psychiatrist. I can't even begin to explain what a difference that made. Within 3 months I was back to normal. My anxiety has slowly crept back in during the last 4 years or so. Then 2 years ago I started with the really morbid thinking again and developed high blood pressure. Of course once I found out I had high blood pressure I started worrying that I would have a stroke and that caused further spikes. So the doctor prescribed medication. He knows I hate taking medication and tells me that when I get on top of the anxiety my blood pressure will go down. I intend to go back to the psychiatrist soon.

22-01-13, 08:55
Thank you all for replying. I was supposed to have a 24hr bp monitor on but I only managed 4 hours before I ended up back at doctors in tears and having a full blown panic attack! Although readings they did get weren't too bad apparently! I'm going to give reiki a go and maybe yoga. Does anyone know if you can take magnesium with antidepressants?