View Full Version : tinnitus/heartbeat

21-01-13, 22:39
I had posted (and deleted) another thread but wanted to be clearer in what I meant. Anyhoos:

The past few days my tinnitus has been wicked. But the part that's freaking me out is during quiet moments, the ringing goes in time to my heartbeat. It's quite unsettling, especially with my latest bouts of anxiety all about my heart.

21-01-13, 23:01
If I were you I'd have a word with my Doctor.

Pulsatile tinnitus is different from standard tinnitus, although it could be just that you're noticing the sounds more or misinterpreting the rhythm.

I know it's hard not to worry, but it's probably nothing serious, but always best to put your mind at rest about these things and seek medical advice.

22-01-13, 00:07
My checkup is in February. I'm certainly mentioning it.

I've had tinnitus since my 20s (over 20 years now).

Right now it's back to the constant steady ring.