View Full Version : 3 days in...im done :(

21-01-13, 23:36
Side effects are brutal! I feel like im totally bugged out, anxiety through the roof..paranoia...sleeping but feel like im not asleep and crazy dreams. Shaky, heart palpatations, jaw tension, and just plain weird feeling.

I have a toddler im caring for no way I can do this for weeks until it gets better, this is awful!

feeling discouraged and messed up :(

21-01-13, 23:52
I took them once for about 3 days and gave up as I felt so much worse than I ever did with just anxiety symptoms

22-01-13, 03:51
You aren't "giving up", they just don't work too well for you. They made my anxiety very bad and I had paranoia too, it was awful, I'd rather have anxiety lol. You can try more medications, you might find one that works with you : )

22-01-13, 08:01
I've been struggling for 12 days and was told yest to come off them going to see doc today :(

22-01-13, 15:15
It's interesting to see how the same drug affects people differently.

I found fluoxetine increased my anxiety, lasted 2 weeks on it, but had no problem with Citalopram, slept well on it in fact - came off it due to the only major side effect I experienced (sexual, unpleasant).

I know some folk say that SSRIs make you worse before you get better, but sometimes the "cure" is worse than the "disease".

SSRIs are the first line treatment for anxiety, I'm on the fourth line, having tried the SSRIs, SNRIs, trazodone and mirtazapine (although I still take the latter).

There are plenty more options for you to explore with your GP if Citalopram doesn't suit.

22-01-13, 19:47
Sorry to hear about your bad reaction. I know it must be frustrating for you.

Is your doctor aware of what has happened? If not, I think you should let them know as soon as possible, and hopefully they will find something more suitable for you. Unfortunately, not everyone will respond well to the first medication, but there is still a good chance that the second one you try (if you do try another one) will work better.