View Full Version : Please help can't calm down

01-09-06, 10:15
Ok I feel a bit stupid cos this is completely self inflicted.
Had rather a lot to drink last night now I'm withdrawing from it really bad- sweating shaking scared something bad will happen.
Does anyone else get this or am I the only one stupid enough to do it?
Really frightened


01-09-06, 10:43
Nothing bad will happen. Just ride it out, it's totally normal and happens to most of us after drinking

01-09-06, 10:47

First of all hope you had a good night.

Secondly anxiety makes any symptoms you have for whatever the problem twice as bad, so try and ride it out, drink plenty of water and get some sleep if you had a late night.

You will be fine soon.

Angie x

01-09-06, 11:24
Thanks guys
Still really panicky. No I only stayed in silly thing is that I dont even get tiddly at home its just cos I had a late night I consumed more than usual.
My neck and jaw feel numb, really panicking now.

01-09-06, 19:59
The more you think about it the worse the symptoms will get. thats what happens to me.Try to find something to occupy your mind i know it's easier said than done.