View Full Version : Saw someone die...anxiety worsened

22-01-13, 07:48
Hi everyone. I have Been coping so much better lately but yesterday at lunch saw someone collapse at a table near me whilst I was eating lunch. He was about 30 and people were frantic but he had no pulse and after a minute I left. Last night I did not sleep and am crying so much. Were all so fragile. I don't know what to do. Now I don't think even symptoms mean u can die. He may of been fine then just collapse. I'm getting married in July and been getting so much stronger but now font see the point in anything. Sorry everyone but really need some support.

Daisy Sue
22-01-13, 09:38
hi Willous1... that experience is bound to affect you, it would anyone, and yeah i guess it makes you question everything and realise our fragility, but don't let it ruin your own chance of a happy life.

i hate generalising, but - people die all the time, some with previous symptoms, some not... some accidental, some deliberate. death is shocking, whether it's a stranger or a loved one, and i've stood by and seen one of both catagories die. it hurts your heart and your confidence more than anything, but you're here, you're alive, and that is the most precious gift ever.

maybe try to do something positive... like order an extra bouquet of flowers to be in a vase on your wedding day, in memory of the young man? or go to a hospice this week and donate £10 in his memory?

Stands mum
22-01-13, 11:50
Hi - that sounds like a scary experience. Do you KNOW he died? You say the people who were frantic couldn't find his pulse. That doesn't mean he didn't have a pulse, nor does it mean he died. As you left (understandably) you don't know what happened in the end. He may have simply fainted and may well be right as rain today. :)

22-01-13, 13:47
Hi - that sounds like a scary experience. Do you KNOW he died? You say the people who were frantic couldn't find his pulse. That doesn't mean he didn't have a pulse, nor does it mean he died. As you left (understandably) you don't know what happened in the end. He may have simply fainted and may well be right as rain today. :)
yes I agree, it's possible he is ok. is there any way to find out?

22-01-13, 19:25
i would go back to the place you were having lunch and ask there thats would be my first thought

22-01-13, 19:47
I agree that he may well be fine, he could have fainted, and if he had a weak pulse it is often hard for people who aren't medically trained to find it, particularly if they are panicking.

Even if he didn't have a pulse that doesn't mean he died, if someone gave him CPR and an ambulance got there quickly he may be fine

22-01-13, 19:56
I hope he was ok. I have witnessed a couple of people dying and it certainly freaks you out. I sometimes think the only true cure for our anxiety would be to accept death but I have no idea how to do that. Sometimes I lie awake and think about it and I have panic attacks. It's only natural that this would shake you up, it would anyone. All you can do is try to enjoy the great things in uour own life but iknow how hard that can be.

22-01-13, 21:32
That's a very frightening thing to witness. But like others have said; do you know if he actually died? Do you know if he had some underlying condition that he was being treated for? Yes, we are fragile, but for someone age 30 to die is pretty unusual.

I find it hard to accept that one day I will die and I don't know when that day will be - I just hope its a long way off yet! What I find comforting is to think of someone I love who has died, in my case my grandmother, and I think that what a great lady she was and that if she can accept dying then so can I and that it will be OK.


24-01-13, 05:45
This is a fear of mine too. If I saw that, I would be a real mess.

Just for peace of mind, I have to agree with everyone here, go find out what happened to the guy. People may have been panicking because they couldn't find a pulse, but a pulse is a tough thing to find anyway, more so when you're not calm.

24-01-13, 07:15
Watching someone get injured like that and seeing them die is not a nice experience. it is bound to affect you and have a scar on you. I understand that it makes you question your own life as I think its normal in a lot of people who have seen that.

I think its important to talk about how this experience has made you feel such as to a counsellor as if it has affected you then you need to open up to someone as they can help you find ways to cope. Try not to let that experience affect your own life you have a right to live and be happy and get married.

I hope you are able to feel better soon