View Full Version : Anyone want to follow a programme with me?

01-09-06, 10:47
I'm really interested in Thought Field Therapy, NLP, self-hypnosis and all that kind of stuff. I don't have the money and I wouldn't really feel comfortable going to a workshop, so I'd like to follow a plan from a book.

The trouble is that if I do it by myself I won't really commit to it- I'll read it without doing the practical exercises and I'll soon forget about it.

I'd be really interested if anyone wanted to follow a programme with me and we can give feedback as we go.

I've got a couple of ideas for books here:

Positively Happy: Cosmic Ways to Change Your Life
Noel Edmonds £4.76 or £5.99

Tapping the Healer Within: Using Thought-field Therapy to Instantly Conquer Your Fears, Anxieties and Emotional Distress
Earl Mindell £7.18 or £8.99

NLP: A Practical Guide to Achieving the Results You Want: Workbook
Joseph O'Connor £6.00 or £9.89

Let me know if you're interested. If we order the books via an NMP link to amazon, then this site gets a small commission too.

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