View Full Version : my fear is back

22-01-13, 20:10
all of yesterday i experienced jelly and heavy legs and through the evening it felt like someone was standing on my shoulders, pain in neck and face and dizzy

had difficulty sleeping and my breathing was funny

got up this morning and feel the exact same but now pains in my fingers, arms and nausea and tiredness but maNAGED TO EAT BREAKFAST

i originally thought flu but have now worried myself to death its a heart attack as these are the classic symptoms in women

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should also add the left upper side of my chest at the front before armpit is sore to touch

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any ideas friends please all my tests in december re thyroid were normail, only cholesterol 5.6:shrug:

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has now spread to back of right shoulder and mild earache

---------- Post added at 20:10 ---------- Previous post was at 17:15 ----------

anyone plz

26-01-13, 08:39
I have had all of these symptoms, most of which were caused my muscle tension due to anxiety / worry. Muscle tension in neck can make dizziness, and the tension there also radiated down to arms and hands, and also into other parts of the back and even torso. I know it's hard to do, but try to relax more... the more you worry, the more your symptoms will persist. If you're still really worried, then go visit a doctor to set your mind at ease. :)

26-01-13, 11:31
thanks dazza

its still real bad. was great yesterday and again at 3pm BANG here it went again, today tho i have woken up with the chest pain in the middle and jaw even worse. its really hard to describe , its kind of like a sharp squeezing pain for no more than 10 secs but happens every so many hours

i made the mistake today of googleing the symptoms and it has stated women have these symptoms for heart attacks and my hubby is no help as he tells me in an angry voice that its just anxiety and ive had it before but i havent had this before

27-01-13, 11:05
well i managed to go for a short walk and even called into a cafe for a coke

still in agony with the pains, not excruciating but bearable and its sore to touch the chest at the front, slight pain in lower left abdomen and BP is raised at 155/92 pulse 84

going to try and have shower and head to watch the football, does this mean it is simply stress induced from moving house?

31-01-13, 18:57
all the pains are still here accopmanied with upper back left pain, lower stomach pain :( so scared right now