View Full Version : my head hurts...help

01-09-06, 11:55
really worried today...felt unwell with cold/flu all week, and the last couple of days had awful headache, like a bunged up feeling with head pressure and when i touch my brow bone it hurts....is this related to my cold?....im thinking otherwise now as when my anxiety began i had this tension type headache constantly..it never went , im worried its come back now...last time it convinced me i had a tumour
im taking lemsips but not really helping...the pain is mainly fore head above my eyes..oh and my ears feel deaf and keep popping...
anyhelp guys....thanx all......
I hate feeling like this..its worrying me:(

01-09-06, 12:52

it sounds exactly like what ive had recently, i had the head ache 4 about 3 weeks but ears are still playing up, it sounds like your sinus's to me, especially as its going across your brow,, my ears feel as if i need to keep holding my nose and blowing, like ive been on a plane or something, my nose was blocked though but not like a blocked that i needed to blow just congested, try sinutab or something or a nasel spray xx

take care
leanne x

i just wanna feel normal

01-09-06, 15:53
Had that with pain over the eyes and it was a sinus infection
Maybe you should see your doc and get checked.

Nothing sinister :-)

Pam x

01-09-06, 21:16
i had this all last week, ive never had sinus probs, it was anxiety, it started with a pressure feeling in ears, then head rushes/headaches, and even my jaw and teeth started, it was bloody great lol.
i just took co-codramol to take the edge off, and used clove oil for the teeth.
apparantly its just tension.

we are all stronger people after having this