View Full Version : Anxious about breathing

22-01-13, 13:05

The last few days I have been very aware of my breathing and its getting worse. I feel like its harder to breath and I dont feel like im breathing right. Does anyone else ever have this.

22-01-13, 13:18
hi there, yes i have had/ still have occasionally this problem since about October last year, maybe try going to the doctors just to get your lungs checked , knowing mine were clear helped me through times when i panicked as i knew it was caused by anxiety and because i was concerntrating on it, sorry you are going through this x

22-01-13, 13:20
Thanks, I last went to the doctors about 3 months ago about another breathing anxiety and he said all sounded clear. Do you think I should go again?

22-01-13, 13:21
If it was clear a few months ago i am sure it is fine now , i noticed my breathing worry got a bit better over time how long have you had this?

22-01-13, 13:28
About a few days but had breathing issues for a few months last year and it got to the point where the doctor refused to see me. I wad sure something was wrong. I really hate anxiety so much. Thank you for replying. Its not hard to breathe all the time and I'm sure it more when I think about it. Mind always plays up though.

22-01-13, 13:42
yes i went to the doctors a lot and i think they got a bit fed up but when you have anxiety it's horrible so i know exactly how you feel, try distracting yourself that's the best way!