View Full Version : Clio51 from 150mg to 112.5mg today

22-01-13, 13:12
well today is my first day on reducing meds, and I must say it took me all morning till 11am to to it. I hate medication, don't know why it's always been the same think I'm worse know because over this episode I been given diazepam,venlafaxine,prochlorperzine(for sickness) different strength ven and ativax(sleeping) zopiclone(sleeping)

and since yesterday been given 75slow mg ven, also proprananol 80xl mg plus I have a massive spot on my face huge(stress) and got antibiotics for that too.
at the no feel like a druggy feel that's all I'm doing is popping tablets even the vits I take and its stressing me out,to the point I can't think straight, and even scared to take the bloody proprananol and that's what there for anxiety. God why do I get myself into a state,feel so wound up.

I havnt gone from 150mg to 75mg as doc said as I' m scared of SE dropping by half I know I such a wuz. so I have gone to 112.5mg.
mind is working overtime guys, taking lower dose and new med proprananol.

don't know if to just do lower dose ven first with diazepam as and when for for couple weeks first
or lower dose and proprananol. just took ven at mo.

all of this as set the ball rolling again for my anxiety, that's without dealing with my social anxiety I have developed over the last two years where I'm even scared to see my family how sad is that.

going to do some housework now mind's to bloody active guys.:bighug1:

22-01-13, 17:22
Aww, good luck Clio :hugs:

I'm sure it will be easier than you think. Maybe see how you go with the ven reduction for a couple of days and then start the propranolol? And don't be 'checking' yourself for SE's all the time...that will make you feel worse!!!

Propranolol is just a beta blocker, you should be fine on that, it will reduce the physical symptoms such as palps which should calm you a little. I take a beta blocker and have had no probs at all :winks:

Thinking of you hun :bighug1: Kitti xxx :flowers:

22-01-13, 19:14
thanks kitti

been fine, tried hard not to think about it just took the 112.5mg of ven today see how I go on.
this bloody illness certainly gets your mind going if nothing else.

thanks again, hope your good xx

22-01-13, 22:33
clio good luck i've also taken beta blockers and found them great for the physical symptoms.

really intersted in how yo go with the decrease, need to make an appointment with my gp, i want to do the same as you, reduce to 112,5.

hope it all goes well for you, keep us posted xx

23-01-13, 16:40

didn't take anything for sleep last night, took while to get off listened to mindfulness CD to relax me for 20 mins mind was still active for while after that. woke couple times in night but managed to get back off.

this morning woke with a bit of a startle, knee area was aching/tense horrible as it immediately brings me down and it's hard to switch of from.
took my 112.5mg after breakfast, then the mind starts again am I doing right/wrong causing more bloody anxiety!!!
so got myself showered/dressed did bit housework to keep mind off it.

1pm anxiety, knees still tense, so by 1.45 diazepam 2mg came out. couldn't take it anymore.
later went into town with partner to take mind of myself, was still anxious/knee tension but carried on regardless.feel I need to settle back down again.

need to try and relax and chill now

other than higher anxiety, no other symptoms.

23-01-13, 23:08
Hey Clio, I've just reduced to 112.5mg, I didn't really notice anything different and I def feel better for doing so! 150 was just to much for me, so I'm happy I made the decision to reduce.

I know it's hard but try not to think about how u should be feeling etc, and like ur doing if you feel the need take diazepam.

Good luck.

24-01-13, 14:38
hi guys

usual sleep pattern.

woke with stomach churning needed toilet(sorry guys) heaving started again thought I was well over this. tense legs which is very hard to switch off from.

my mental health support worker came to see me todayand I told him about to visit to gp and he was very very surprised about decreasing when I've got appointment with psych on Monday,when she was the one who prescribed ven in the first place not the go. he thinks I should go back up to 150mg and let her make the decision when I have spoken to her.

this as left me thinking now I have done the wrong thing leaving it to the gp, who is very laid back who really let me make the decision and just gave me new prescription.

so I am going back up to 150mg tomorrow as it's only been 3 days and see
what she says Monday, I did think about what she would say decreasing without her input when I got them but thought I was doing the right thing. but since today and talking to support worker who I know was not happy with me making this decision I feel I've totally screwed up.

well I've done it now, and after talking it through with my partner have decided to not beat myself up about it because it just adds to my anxiety.

26-01-13, 15:24
Hi Clio,
Stomach problems maybe the SE from lowering your dose. I know it only took a short time for me to get SE when I started to lower my dose and I soon put it back...and thats 75mg. Don't put any blame on you...you,re GP sugested you reduce but I do think he should have given you some support 150mg down to 112.5 is a big jump, and I know you have suffered with SE Like I did.Good luck monday..have a good chat. You have NOT screwed up
Anni xx