View Full Version : hearing other people are ill makes me worse

22-01-13, 15:03
Basically as above.... Someone i knew but was not close to passed away a few days ago and just found out that some one else i know has got cancer and only got a few days left all my family are going on about and they expect me to goto the funeral on tuesday. To be honest i dont want to go its making me feel really ill again and making my anxiety worse.

My question is does anyone who hears about people being ill and dying etc does it make your health anxiety worse?

22-01-13, 15:12
Yes when my health anxiety is bad I don't like hearing about anyone ill or that's died, it freaks me out and panics me. I avoid watching anything on t.v or reading about any illness. When I have periods of my anxiety being less I can handle talking about it. If you feel the funeral would make you worse then don't go. I know how awful health anxiety is at times.

22-01-13, 15:17
Thank you for your reply Im so glad its not just me!

I wont be going to the funeral , my health anxiety started when my nan passed a yr ago and anyway the service is tuesday is in the same church that my nans was and i think its going to bring back to many memories and make me worse again. None of my family really understand what im going with health anxiety ive tried telling them thats what ive got but they just keep saying oh pull yourself together..... So there not helping at all.

Anyway look at me blabbing on lol

22-01-13, 15:25
Mine started a few years ago when my auntie died. I know what you mean about no one understanding what it's like. My mam tells me about people being ill and I feel panicky and think people just don't get it. It's nothing to them they can handle it but to us who have health anxiety it's a big deal and makes us more anxious.

22-01-13, 16:04
It used to, but since I cured myself I don't project other people's symptoms/illnesses onto myself anymore. I went through years after my cousin had a stroke of having stroke-like symptoms, which led to many panic attacks.

The absolute best thing you can do, and it may seem counter-intuitive but believe me it's the best thing you can do, is go to the funeral. Put yourself in that uncomfortable situation.

22-01-13, 20:26
Thank you guys

It does say in the book I'm reading to basically face your fears and don't not got to a place just because of anxiety you need to go and face your fear or you will never be rid of it........ But at this moment in time it seems hard, just got to push myself!