View Full Version : Hi to everyone here.

22-01-13, 16:06
Just found this site today and everyone seems very nice and helpful.

I have suffered bouts of depression for practically all of my life, but didn't realise it was depression until i was in my mid 30's. I have been on Anti depressants a few times but i don't like them as i feel that they make me have a careless sort of attitude towards life. I have seen a Psychotherapist in the past as well as being involved with group therapy and more recently i finished a course of CBT. I did quite like the CBT treatment but the one problem i found that you have to keep doing it every day, and me keeping motivated every day is pretty damn hard, especially when i'm sitting at home staring at my laptop all day. I constantly wonder why i cant motivate myself to do even the most simplest of tasks. Just picking up the phone to make a quick phone call is hard. Looking for a job is hard. Doing small daily tasks is hard, in fact doing anything other than just sit at my Laptop wasting time is a constant niggle! Funnily enough if you were to meet or speak to me you wouldn't notice that there was a problem, as i'm fine in peoples company, i'm just not fine with my own! As soon as my wife goes to work in the morning i just do nothing and wait for her to get home. I feel pretty useless to be honest and at 53 i cant see how i can change this. I have real anxiety issues and get anxious at the slightest thing. I left my last job because my boss was nothing but a bully, a nice guy he is but nevertheless a bully all the same. I thought by joining a forum such as this may help as i can get advice from others who may have experienced something similar to me.

Thank you for taking the time out to read this post. :)

22-01-13, 16:10
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


22-01-13, 16:10
Hi welcome.

I too struggle with motivation, having a job helps but still in the evenings and weekends I find I sit and stare at the telly or on the laptop. I do find that if I force myself to do things even when I dont want to that I do feel better after and im glad I did. There is a saying "the doing comes before the feeling better".

What medications have you tried in the past for depression and are you on any at the moment ?

Have you been looking for jobs for long ? There doesnt seem to be many jobs out there for anybody at the moment which is quite worrying.

Do you have a daily routine that you can do until your wife gets home from work ?

22-01-13, 16:16
Hi Loads

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

22-01-13, 16:35
Hi again and thanks for the responses.

I'm not on any Anti depressants at the moment and haven't been for a couple of years.
Like i said, i don't like taking them, so i just have a few Diazapam that i take as and when i need too.

You are right about what you say. Motivation only follows action and it seldom proceeds it. I understand this, and this is one of my issues, i still cant do it. Perhaps i just need a good kick up the back side! :laugh:

22-01-13, 16:36

22-01-13, 16:51
Hello & :welcome:

I hope you get the inspiration & help you need from being here in this friendly community. I can totally relate to the motivation issues & sitting at home on the laptop all day! What was my 'safe place' has now almost become my prison *sigh* :doh:

Kitti :)

22-01-13, 17:16
Hi. Mate. Hope you'll find your motivation soon. I do understand hiw it feels as at times I struggle to make simple tasks a reality. Wishing you all the best.

Kerry B
22-01-13, 18:49
Hi and :welcome: aboard. Hope you find this site as usual has I have found it. You are never without help and advice

22-01-13, 19:25
Hello & welcome :)

I can relate myself to a lot of what you've said in your opening post, I also struggle to motivate myself , more-so recently as 2012 was a stressfull year for me due to many different reasons.
I've also been in employments where I've left due to pressures of bullying, so I know how you feel.

I've found this forum a friendly place with like minded people I can relate to, I'm sure this forum will help you through also. :)

23-01-13, 17:49
Hello and welcome to the forum. :welcome:

23-01-13, 19:45
Hi, just wanted to say hello, I've just signed up as well today. Your comment about being fine around other people really strikes a chord, I find myself completely unable to be alone at the moment and when I am I'm just frozen, even making a cuppa is a mammoth task.

It wasn't very long ago that I was on the go non-stop so this is a whole new world for me. I just have to believe that I - and other people like you who are suffering - will get through this dark place and out into the sunlight on the other side... but it's hard to keep the faith :unsure: