View Full Version : Need some positive feedback celexa 7 weeks in

22-01-13, 17:23
Hi Everyone:

I posted a couple of times and just looking for some reassuring/positive feedback.

I will try to make my story short, but it may be long:blush:.

I was disgnosed with depression anxiety/panic disorder 11 years ago. I was doing well on my meds until the spring/summer of 2012, I decided on my own to cut down my Celexa from 40 mg, to 20 mgs every other day. Just thought I was feeling better and did not need it as much.

Well as time went on and some stressful (plus health anxieties) kicked in I ended up in the hospital the beginning of December 2X's. Has a EKG, bloodwork, urine and chest Xray and everything turned out normal.

I went back on my meds right away at 40 mgs and am currently (after suffering for almost 4 weeks) am seeing a pysch and therapist. The pysch doc put me on Ativan 1/2 mg 3X a day and 1 mg Atvan and Remeron at bedtime.

I am also for the past year been on Vicodin 2x a day (low dose) for 2 ruptured discs and a winged scapula with nerve damage.

I now am worryng about all the meds I am on, and I am still getting some anxiety and panic after 7 weeks on Celexa. I am so scared that I am never going to feel the same again and that the ativan is just masking my nerves. I get a nervous feeling then I burn in my chest and back and arms that resides after abut 10minutes. I feel like I have been dealing with forever and it is never going to go away. I have 2 beautiful children that prior to this I was so active with. I JUST WANT MY LIFE BACK without the Ativan.....I'm sooooo scared.

Now with my med and health anxiety I was diagnosed with a cysts on my right breast that became infected. I was put on Keflex, that gave me really bad loose stool, he stopped me on that and put me on flagyl. I worried about adding another med. Im taking them all put so worried it is affecting my body along with all the anxiety.

I am just begging to feel better soon.......Thanks so much for reading and hope to hear from someone soon:weep:

22-01-13, 21:03
Hello I am so sorry you haven't been feeling the best lately. Have you recently told your doctor what medications you are currently taking? This will probably help them know which medication can go with what.

I understand what you mean though its not nice taking a lot of medications everyday for long term.

Also have you had any counselling to express how you are feeling? They may have solutions about how you can handle or cope with them better. I am sorry I am not much help as I am kind of new to this as well but I do hope you feel better soon and get everything sorted as I know its not nice living with depression and anxiety.