View Full Version : New and in need of a few shoulders!!!

01-09-06, 12:28
Hi there (sorry this is a long post - but I could do with some help!!!)
I'm new to this site and am here because I have had 4 panic attacks since May.
I am 34 and have recently moved house (March) and care for my daughter Tabby,5, who is profoundly and multiply disabled following being starved of oxygen at birth.
I have had a lot of stress over the last few years but have always been fine in myself, down sometimes but have been able to get over most things fairly quickly. I'm a positive person (or was) and always look on the bright side!!!

This year my daughter had pneumonia for the first time and I must admit it scared the socks off me! She has unstable epilepsy and cannot move (spastic quadriplegia) so we have to sleep with the baby monitor on full blast at night so if we can hear if she has a fit or chokes etc. (writing this it sounds awful!!! But it is amazing what you get used to and I have been very very happy for the last 5 years and grateful that she is with us! She really is a darling and her smile lights up any room!)

Anyway the problem started a couple of months after we moved here and 2 weeks after Tabby had pneumonia. Pneumonia is very serious for Tabby and last year 2 children in her school died of pneumonia, so it was a scary time.

Anyway how it all started was like this...I was sat at the computer and out of the blue I suddenly thought I was going to die. I didn't feel too scared then (i really did think I was going to die! I felt calm and even said goodbye to my hubby who was sat next to me at the time!!!) but after that I was scared I'd feel the same thing again! It was so weird, I went to the doctor and she said I was suffering from an infection as my blood test showed lots of white cells. I put it down to that and all was oK for 2 weeks. Then I started to think about my health all the time, brain tumours, heart etc basically anything I heard in the news I thought I had! I was in the bath reading a trashy horror story about mad cow disease and I had another one where I thought I was going to get mad cow disease, die, but go mad first. Then I found this site and realised that my own thoughts (and the trashy horror stories were making me scared!!!) were bringing on this panic. It helped enormously and I have been able to stave off attacks centered around my health (the advice here and the knowledge that I was not alone was amazing) and I didn't have an attack for 6 weeks. But last week they started again. This time it's centered around me going mad and losing control of myself. My palms and feet go really cold and start sweating (palms actually dripping!)and I start to feel scared. This last one I had really scared the pants off me. I was with my daughter on the bed doing her physio exercises (btw i have another infection at the mo and am on antibiotics) and suddenly I thought what if all those panic attacks I'd had before were really me going mad and I'm really a closet schizo? (!) Or I have a brain tumour making me go mad? What if I black out now (I have never blacked out btw!!!) and when I wake up everyone is dead or something horrible like that? What if I black out and i'm dangerous when I black out if I have no control over myself? (I have to say here I am a total pacifist and don't even kill spiders!!!!) I tried to tell myself that this is really silly thinking but the more I thought that my mind kept bringing up stories I'd heard on the news about people blacking out and doing things (like the chap on the news who had killed his son and hurt his daughter by jumping off a balcony with them etc) and I remember feeling glad I lived in a bungalow!!!! (Now, that is so ridiculous I even laughed out loud!!!!)

This is a new one on me but has left me really messed up. I'm scared now to be alone in case I go mad!!! Reading this I could laugh at it it sounds so nuts and silly (it's like ha ha funny) but I also feel like crying too!!! I have seen my doctor and told her I felt like I was going mad and that I'd had a lot of silly morbid thoughts (like the time I thought what if i die sitting h

01-09-06, 12:43
Welcome to the site.
You arent going mad hun its the anxiety that brings these thoughts on.
Obviously you are a very strong person you deal with alot daily.
I know the thoughts are scary but thats all they are just thoughts.
You will find lots of help an support on this site it helps me a great deal.
Hopefully speak soon. Take care
Stace xx


01-09-06, 13:05
Thank you so much :o) I must be a bit of an emotional blob today because i had tears of relief in my eyes when i read your reply! Thank you so much. XXXX

01-09-06, 13:39
Hi Neebie, and welcome to the forum.

You are certainly not alone in your feelings, and I would agree you are not going mad at all.

In time, things will calm down. I think coming here and reading the causes and other peoples stories will put things in proportion for you.

Take Care,



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

01-09-06, 13:57
Thank you so much - i feel so much better already. It is so helpful to get validation from people who have been through anxiety attacks themselves. It's so difficult to explain to someone who has never had one! Thank you so much

01-09-06, 14:19

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

01-09-06, 14:23
Hi there you are not going mad!!!I have panic attacks and the symptoms are horrid.Im new to this site and believe me I thought I was crazy before coming on this site.they are all wonderfull on here.and a great help.Im on citalopram to.I have a phobia about taking pills.I think Im going to get all the side affects there are.The side affects usually calm down after a couple of weeks,but it varies in different people.
Take care you are ok.;)

Ellen XX

01-09-06, 15:06
Welcome to the site......Im sure you will find great support and info on here..............best to ya..........Linda[8D]

01-09-06, 15:49
Hi Neebie,

A big warm welcome to you. We are all here for each other through the good times and the bad. You arent alone and you've done the best thing coming to this site.

Take Care


polly daydream
01-09-06, 18:21
Hi Neebie and welcome to the forum. You certainly are not going mad, I too have suffered what you are going through and yes you do feel like you are losing the plot, but believe me people that are mad or going mad don't realise they are, it is just as the doc says anxiety and depression.

We are always here for each other through the good and the bad times as you will find out.

Take care,


01-09-06, 18:26
Hi and welcome aboard - lovely to see you here.

You are not going mad atall - these are just thoughts and nothing more.

Perhaps this little lot will help you ...

Lets try to keep our thoughts in perspective (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=283)
Mind Games (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1789)
obsessive thoughts & anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3096)
Still suffering this damn "suggestive" thing.. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4288)
How to CURE yourself ! The definitive guide here.. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5357)
Its happening again ! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6094)
Things to consider for success! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6165)
[Link removed as post deleted]
Thoughts (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7187)
image projection in my mind (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7358)

weird thoughts
odd thoughts... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5201)
Strange thoughts....Anyone else? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5294)
Silly thoughts (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5694)
strange things! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6461)
worried... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7323)
scared and down! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7389)

negative thoughts – dealing with
Dealing with negative thoughts (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7821)

A post to help with negative scary thoughts./ what if’s
A post to help with negative scary thoughts. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=9747)

Creeping fears
http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/lounge /topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=3799

Freedom from thoughts
Have you ever achieved freedom from your thoughts (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3184)

Scary thoughts
obsessional negative thoughts (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3343)
what if I kill someone? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1972)
Horrible thoughts (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5280)
Morbid thoughts (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5482)
just needing some reassurance i'm not alone (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6532)
Feeling lonely (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6820)
What's happening to me? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7446)


01-09-06, 19:13
hi there and welcome.i just want to say your deffinetly not alone on this one but i bet your sitting there saying to yourself no one in the world could possibly be goin thru wot your going thru its so hard to belive that anyone could have these disturbing thoughts i no wot you mean when you say you feel like your going mad and its so frightining your whole body is trembeling and you even feel you want to rush to the toilet its that feelin you get when you have had a shock. do you feel unreal i get to the point i carnt go out and the silly thoughts like wot am i how do we function wot r we and why r we here.have you lost your appitite i couldent eat at one time and lost alot of weight this time around im piggin out and puttin weight on.anyway im due to go back to work next week and im dreading it i dont think ill be able to go i carnt even function properlly i feel so unreal so here u go hun your not on your own theres loads of us i hope you feel abit better knowing your not on your own and you,ve got this site to come to whenever you need a friend take care and i promise you things do get better

t motown

01-09-06, 19:52
Wow! You are an incredilbly strong person even if it doesn't feel like it at the moment. I can't imagine how it must be with a poorly child. Welcome!

01-09-06, 20:59

I'm new to the forum too. I have also been having negative and morbid thoughts lately. I'm into my 3rd week of citalopram so am hoping to feel better soon.

Hope to speak to you soon


01-09-06, 22:39
Hi Neebie


There are lots of nice people here who will help and support you.



02-09-06, 12:02
hi there i am new to this site, my names joanne, i suffer from anxiety and its all brought on by panics thinking their is always something wrong with me, i have got a health anxiety, you will probably laugh but i work in a hospital on a ward with sick people, my anxiety started 3yrs ago, i had been through loads of sress with my ex partner long story anyway my anxiety was really bad it was a vicious circle thinking oh know my hearts going fast which brought on the anxiety what made my heart go even faster, my doctor put me on citalopram i took one tablet and god was i bad, i had my heart racing i was shaking it even looked like i had come out in a rash, the doctor said i should of had 5mg instead of 10mg, i thought if i take another tablet they will just make me worse because as soon as i take it i will be waiting for any symptoms and get anxiety, i am funny with tablets i always get allergic reactions, i went to see a homeopathic doctor who put me on aconite which is a chrystal u melt on your tongue and they do help, i even paid to see a nutrisionist, i am not bad now i only get twinges of anxiety, but i read some of these stories and i get a twinge of anxiety, little things can trigger it off, if i have to go anywhere i dont want to, i dont like my partners family and if i have to go anywhere i get into a panic, i get alot of negative thoughts were i should be thinking positive, let me know how you are getting on x

02-09-06, 12:57
Hi - I'm overwhelmed! Thank you all so much! I can't tell you the relief!

My mind is still throwing up the daft what -ifs but now I've got my main fear out in the open it has lost some of it's sting!

This site is amazing and you are all so kind.

I have another question! I took my first tablet (citalopram 10mg) yesterday (10am) and felt better straightaway apart from a slight headache and yawning a lot but I have to say that this morning I felt vile! I woke up after a nightmare and I felt sick, hot and sweaty and physically anxious like I was having a panic attack - but all the time. I was also tired out too! I went back to sleep after about 2 hours (which was weird in itself as I was so anxious) and I feel a bit better now.

I was wondering though, is this the tablet wearing off, or is it the side effects from the tablet coming out? On the leaflet they seem to be the same symptoms! Or is it just me having a new panic that lasted much longer?

Also does anyone feel like you're battling yourself? It's like I try to think of positive things and then my mind throws up something worse... it's like that old fiddle/banjo? song! (the one where there is a competition or something?) I actually think of it that way and although it's funny ~ I'm not sure it helps!!!

Thanks all!
Neebie X

02-09-06, 13:47
Hi there

I had my first citalpram yesterday - felt ok but this morning i felt awful! Hands and feet sweating, heart pounding, feeling sick and afraid as soon as I opened my eyes! I was debating whether to take another tablet today, but I did in the end although I broke it in half (the doctor told me if I got any side effects to take 5mg but not to give up as sometimes with these tablets you have to feel worse for a while in order to feel better. I'm just hoping that I have a better time with 5mg! I will let you know how I get on!

I'm fairly new to this panic stuff (but I've been suffering with general anxiety for a while I think - it kind of creeps up on you) and when I'm not having an attack I try to talk about it a lot and I read this site over and over - I have felt much better just knowing there are other people going through similar experiences. I keep telling myself I KNOW this is temporary and it helps a bit and distraction helps too, I never have panic attcks when I'm busy either!

I wish you all the best, let me know how you get on

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">hi there i am new to this site, my names joanne, i suffer from anxiety and its all brought on by panics thinking their is always something wrong with me, i have got a health anxiety, you will probably laugh but i work in a hospital on a ward with sick people, my anxiety started 3yrs ago, i had been through loads of sress with my ex partner long story anyway my anxiety was really bad it was a vicious circle thinking oh know my hearts going fast which brought on the anxiety what made my heart go even faster, my doctor put me on citalopram i took one tablet and god was i bad, i had my heart racing i was shaking it even looked like i had come out in a rash, the doctor said i should of had 5mg instead of 10mg, i thought if i take another tablet they will just make me worse because as soon as i take it i will be waiting for any symptoms and get anxiety, i am funny with tablets i always get allergic reactions, i went to see a homeopathic doctor who put me on aconite which is a chrystal u melt on your tongue and they do help, i even paid to see a nutrisionist, i am not bad now i only get twinges of anxiety, but i read some of these stories and i get a twinge of anxiety, little things can trigger it off, if i have to go anywhere i dont want to, i dont like my partners family and if i have to go anywhere i get into a panic, i get alot of negative thoughts were i should be thinking positive, let me know how you are getting on x

<div align="right">Originally posted by fisher - 02 September 2006 : 12:02:53</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

02-09-06, 14:03
Hi Claire

I've read your posts and thought I would make some points to try and help you:-

All the strange thoughts you have been experiencing are quite normal. I get them too and sometimes they are utterly ridiculous, but at the time they are completely real and completely possible (so you think). The last two days I have felt completely detached, terribly confused and having the strangest thoughts, thinking 'this is it, I've finally lost it(!)'. But you know what? I read your post and came crashing back to reality! It's ok I'm not going mad, and neither are you.
As for the Citalopram, it is true that you can start to feel worse before you feel better, and I'm afraid I couldn't handle the side effects when I took it so I stopped, but other people have found them helpful, so if you can ride it out and give it a chance then you may do, too.
Also, from the way you describe how your panic attacks came about, it sounded a bit like PTSD. Not saying you have that, but sometimes in times of extreme stress, you tend to plough on without really dealing with your thoughts and feelings fully. Then either things calm down ( and suddenly you have time to think) or something else happens that pushes you to your limits. So I wondered whether this has come about, or been made worse, because in channelling all your energy towards your child, you pushed your own emotions aside? Now they've come back with a vengeance and it's a shock to the system?
Just a thought,

Anyway, I'm glad you,ve found some answers and some relief so far. May it only improve for you...

Love Carlyxx

02-09-06, 14:42
Hi Carly!

Thanks for your post! I think you have some interesting thoughts there!

You're right of course, I don't think i ever really had time to deal with my own feelings of guilt about what happened to my daughter. She was starved of oxygen at birth and although it was an accident at the hospital caused by a late c section I've always felt I didn't protect her well enough in my womb (irrational of course, but i still feel that way sometimes)

At first I was a guilty freaked out mess and really dwelt on myself and how this all would affect my life -a kind of a grieving process for the life I thought I'd have and a "why me" - and then Tabby got very ill with severe epilepsy (at 2 1/2 months) and that was it! No more feeling sorry for myself, not as much guilt etc. I was so scared of losing Tabby I realised I'd been wasting time feeling sorry for myself when I could have been enjoying her and that every day with her is so precious. I started to live for today and not worry about the future - the future looked so big and scary (Tabby is not expected to reach adulthood etc) I didn't think about it! We were really happy like that, living for the now.

We had great neighbours and lived in each others pockets (my best friend lived next door and always had lots of friends over that became our friends too and we had gates between our gardens and had quite a social life without even leaving the house!!!) Tabby was quite a celebrity around there!!!

Then we moved 3 miles down the road - although it feels like i'm living on the moon sometimes! We moved in March - Lovely house we remodelled ourselves - all fitted out with specialist equipment for Tabby that makes life easier - but no friendly neighbours, no nice community and I'm in the house A LOT! Sometimes when Tabby is ill I don't leave for weeks (i know i should make the time but I've just not felt like it here)

I've had lots of time to think - it's so quiet (Tabby isn't verbal and my hubby although brilliant with Tabby and supportive - and I love him so much - but he definately is a "strong silent type" and doesn't talk much tho is an excellent listener!) i'm a bit lonely i suppose.

Maybe i am having past feelings coming up now, but i don't know what to do about them. I can't understand tho why after all we've been through i am going thru this now! If anything Tabby's epilepsy is worse. She has to have emergency medication to stop her going into a epileptic coma at least every other day. I should be able to do what i did before, live for now and cherish every day - but i can't seem to shake it off! I know that if anything happens to Tabby i will regret to my soul not spending the time with her instead of feeling sorry for myself!!! I've also started worrying how i'll ever cope without her... tears now must stop

OK that's me - what a mess eh?


[quote]<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Claire

I've read your posts and thought I would make some points to try and help you:-

All the strange thoughts you have been experiencing are quite normal. I get them too and sometimes they are utterly ridiculous, but at the time they are completely real and completely possible (so you think). The last two days I have felt completely detached, terribly confused and having the strangest thoughts, thinking 'this is it, I've finally lost it(!)'. But you know what? I read your post and came crashing back to reality! It's ok I'm not going mad, and neither are you.
As for the Citalopram, it is true that you can start to feel worse before you feel better, and I'm afraid I couldn't handle the side effects when I took it so I stopped, but other people have found them helpful, so if you can ride it out and give it a chance then you may do, too.
Also, from the way you describe how your panic attacks came about, it sounded a bit like PTSD. Not saying you have that, but sometimes in times o

03-09-06, 00:40
Hi- i can sort of empathise with you. I too have a disabled daughter she is 17 and has cerebral palsy, she is a wheelchair user and though bright and articulate she can not tend to any of her own needs.Ilived overseas for many years and returned to the uk. when she was 6 weeks old after managing to finally escape a violent marriage. She was born very premature due to domestic violence. I have been married four times,luckily my present husband is wonderful with me and all my "baggage". It is very stressful being a parent of a disabled child, in fact i remember my health visitor saying when Lisa was very young that in fact it is a disabled family. I also have four more children aged 27, 23,21and 15.

My son of 27 has tried to commit suicide on numerous occasions and suffers from ongoing depression a legacy of trying out amphetamines when he was 17. He still lives at home though he has two children from two failed relationships.

It is very difficult as i never seem to have a minute to myself as my son's children are often here visiting. Although he holds down a responsible job he is no help around the home and is in fact very demanding.

My depression and anxiety started after the birth of my youngest daughter 15 years ago.I had post natal depression, my cpn told me it was caused by years of stress which had led to an overload.

Since then i have had periods of good mental health which have lasted for quite some time but sadly it only takes the slightest hiccup in my life to leave me feeling really anxious. (and start me comfort eating i have put on three stone in the last 5months so my self esteem is at an all time low)

My latest episode of anxiety started a year ago in May when i lost my brother very unexpectedly, as if that was not bad enough,my father whom i had not seen for 20years turned up for the funeral. That opened another pandora's box for me as i had a most awful childhood and thought i had managed to bury the memories of that childhood forvever,but when i saw him everything came flooding back.

Since my brothers death i have had daily episodes of anxiety in fact i feel anxious the whole time! butterflies in my stomach and a feeling that i cannot get enough air when i breathe.

Over the past 17 years i have had various jobs but difficulties in trying to find childcare for lisa and having to take time off when she is ill have meant unfortunately i have not managed to keep them for very long.I am presently off work (i work as a care assistant in an old age home) as i hurt my neck, but to be truthful,i feel so anxious at present i do not think i could manage my job, running my home and looking after my children. Before Lisa was born i was a legal secretary but that feels like a lifetime ago.

The worst thing for me is that i feel very isolated, i have not made any friends in the 18years i have lived in this area and though i have a large family they are not really much support.

Oh my goodness, i have waffled on - all i really wanted to say is -you are not alone and if i can help in any way please feel free to e mail me át kathleen_carvil@hotmail.com. I have fought so many battles with the authorities to get various help for lisa that i am now a mine of information relating to disabled children !!!

Sorry to have taken up so much space but when i started to type this i just could not stop!!!

take care


03-09-06, 01:24
[quote]<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi there (sorry this is a long post - but I could do with some help!!!)
I'm new to this site and am here because I have had 4 panic attacks since May.
I am 34 and have recently moved house (March) and care for my daughter Tabby,5, who is profoundly and multiply disabled following being starved of oxygen at birth.
I have had a lot of stress over the last few years but have always been fine in myself, down sometimes but have been able to get over most things fairly quickly. I'm a positive person (or was) and always look on the bright side!!!

This year my daughter had pneumonia for the first time and I must admit it scared the socks off me! She has unstable epilepsy and cannot move (spastic quadriplegia) so we have to sleep with the baby monitor on full blast at night so if we can hear if she has a fit or chokes etc. (writing this it sounds awful!!! But it is amazing what you get used to and I have been very very happy for the last 5 years and grateful that she is with us! She really is a darling and her smile lights up any room!)

Anyway the problem started a couple of months after we moved here and 2 weeks after Tabby had pneumonia. Pneumonia is very serious for Tabby and last year 2 children in her school died of pneumonia, so it was a scary time.

Anyway how it all started was like this...I was sat at the computer and out of the blue I suddenly thought I was going to die. I didn't feel too scared then (i really did think I was going to die! I felt calm and even said goodbye to my hubby who was sat next to me at the time!!!) but after that I was scared I'd feel the same thing again! It was so weird, I went to the doctor and she said I was suffering from an infection as my blood test showed lots of white cells. I put it down to that and all was oK for 2 weeks. Then I started to think about my health all the time, brain tumours, heart etc basically anything I heard in the news I thought I had! I was in the bath reading a trashy horror story about mad cow disease and I had another one where I thought I was going to get mad cow disease, die, but go mad first. Then I found this site and realised that my own thoughts (and the trashy horror stories were making me scared!!!) were bringing on this panic. It helped enormously and I have been able to stave off attacks centered around my health (the advice here and the knowledge that I was not alone was amazing) and I didn't have an attack for 6 weeks. But last week they started again. This time it's centered around me going mad and losing control of myself. My palms and feet go really cold and start sweating (palms actually dripping!)and I start to feel scared. This last one I had really scared the pants off me. I was with my daughter on the bed doing her physio exercises (btw i have another infection at the mo and am on antibiotics) and suddenly I thought what if all those panic attacks I'd had before were really me going mad and I'm really a closet schizo? (!) Or I have a brain tumour making me go mad? What if I black out now (I have never blacked out btw!!!) and when I wake up everyone is dead or something horrible like that? What if I black out and i'm dangerous when I black out if I have no control over myself? (I have to say here I am a total pacifist and don't even kill spiders!!!!) I tried to tell myself that this is really silly thinking but the more I thought that my mind kept bringing up stories I'd heard on the news about people blacking out and doing things (like the chap on the news who had killed his son and hurt his daughter by jumping off a balcony with them etc) and I remember feeling glad I lived in a bungalow!!!! (Now, that is so ridiculous I even laughed out loud!!!!)

This is a new one on me but has left me really messed up. I'm scared now to be alone in case I go mad!!! Reading this I could laugh at it it sounds so nuts and silly (it's like ha ha

04-09-06, 14:31
Hi sweety

Just cos you can't put your finger on why you've 'suddenly' began feeling like this, doesn't mean you're losing it.
I was just the same for a while - kept thinking ' I coped with this, this, this... why am I falling to bits now'.
But like I said, I think sometimes (for some reason which I am afraid I don't know) it all catches up with you and life suddenly seems scary and hard to cope with.
I wish you all the best, hope you start to feel better soon

Love Carly.xxx.

04-09-06, 18:33
Hey there,
You are NOT going mad, i know exactly how you feel - it is a terrifying feeling i know but once it passes you will see. Just remember it will pass.
When i first took citalopram i felt quite ill for the first few days and i think it gave me nightmares but that wore off and they started to work about 2 weeks in.

Hope you feel better soon:-)

05-09-06, 00:17
Hi Neebie,

Firstly, welcome to the site. Secondly, I take my hat off to you. You are obviously a wonderful mother, you said some beautiful things about your daughter. Who could blame you for being anxious about her, she is precious and with her disabilities and epilepsy alone, never mind pneumonia, you are naturally going to be feeling the stress and anxiety.

Like you, I was always a coper, I thrived on stress (or so I thought), loved a challenge etc. My panic attacks started about 11 or so years ago. Just before that I experienced some significant life changing events, my brother died of cancer, promotion at work, moved house, got married, and significant financial probs. I was going mad back then, and it was all put down to stress and those life events. Anyway. 12yrs on I am still going mad (!!) but not every day. Like others have said, the balance is easily tipped from coping to losing a grip. Last April I too was diagnosed with depression and started Citalopram. The first two weeks of taking the medication did cause drowsiness, but I was also 'high' buzzing around, I felt brilliant. That all settled down after the initial 2 weeks, so give it time.

I dont want to talk about me, I just want to reassure you that it is worth sticking with the medication if you can tolerate it. After a few weeks, the side effects are not noticable, to me it does not feel as though I am taking any medication.

This site is great for support, there is a wealth of information here and to communicate with people who know and understand how you feel is like a breath of fresh air.

Take Care, and hang on in there.

05-09-06, 01:44
Thank you all so much. It is amazing not to feel isolated and I am so happy that I don't feel alone. This is a brilliant site and everyone has been so kind X

05-09-06, 09:18
hiya, welcome to no more panic.

im really sorry to hear about all that you are going through. you should be proud of yourself for bringing up your little girl, as it must be hard work, so well done!!!

i hope you find all the support and information on no more panic that you been to beat your panic.
all the best