View Full Version : Terrified I might be pregnant!

22-01-13, 18:47
Ok I posted at the weekend about my period being late - it was 2 days late on sunday, now I am 4!
I am never late but the weird thing is i am still having all the pmt symptoms - cramps, pains in my legs and pelvis and my breasts/nipples are very tender and sore.
I am way too scared to take a test! Is there any other explanation?!

22-01-13, 18:51
The only way you can know for sure is to take a test.

22-01-13, 18:55
I will have t eventually.
I wouldnt be having period symptoms though would I?

22-01-13, 19:02
Are you usually never late?

---------- Post added at 19:02 ---------- Previous post was at 19:00 ----------

You can still get pmt like symptoms when pregnant

22-01-13, 19:10
Im sometimes late by one or two days but never four :-(
I really cant be pregnant its going to ruin everything. My anxiety levels.are far too high

22-01-13, 19:15
you will need to do a test so that you know for sure, can you get one tonight?

22-01-13, 19:19
Not tonight but tomorrow I can, i was gonna wait till im a week late though

22-01-13, 19:21
You could wait longer but you may get more anxious waiting

22-01-13, 19:56
If it's making you really anxious, I'd recommend you get a test as soon as possible. Then, in the unlikely event that it's positive, you can think about what to do next. Is there a late-opening pharmacy near where you live? I know the one near me stays open until 10pm. I'm not sure if supermarkets would sell pregnancy tests (possibly in the healthcare section)?

22-01-13, 19:57
I am sure supermarkets sell them

22-01-13, 19:58
Im honestly too scared to test. Its like my health anxiety, they offer me a test and I wont take it.

22-01-13, 19:59
It is the only way you are going to find out x

22-01-13, 20:02
i went through this a couple of months ago, i was stuck between wanting to take the test to find out and not in case it was positive. in the end, after being a week late i took the test and it was negative. i still wasn't convinced as my period still didn't arrive but 3 further tests were all negative too. Doctor reassured me that i wasn't pregnant. my period that month just didn't turn up - they put it down to stress/anxiety, next month all worked like normal again.

Supermarkets do sell them, some local newsagent/tesco express type shops will too.

I think it's a good idea to do the test (you can do many from the day your period is due now) to put your mind at ease and know what you are dealing with. Also, ask yourself if there is a chance you could be pregnant too.

22-01-13, 20:12
My boyfriend and I had unprotecte sex but he pulled out before

22-01-13, 20:16
ok, in that case to put your mind at ease grab a test - it's the only way to find out what's going on. Sometimes you have to 'bite the bullet' and do something you are afraid of to prove to yourself it's ok. Hopefully you'll do the test and then relax and then before you know it your period will arrive!

Stands mum
22-01-13, 20:37
When did you have the unprotected sex? How long ago and how far into your cycle were you?

Worrying about not getting your period is one sure fire way to make it late!

Go and get a test tonight from your supermarket, if you can afford it get a digital one that says the words not pregnant so you can be 100% sure of the result.


22-01-13, 20:42
Around 2 weeks ago i think?
I dont think I was ovulating.
The more I worry the worse it gets!

Stands mum
22-01-13, 20:46
Of course it does.

go and get a test, you can have it all sorted in half an hour, and potentially go to bed feeling relieved.

Two weeks ago, if you were in the middle of your cycle could have been when you were ovulating,if you are due on now.

I feel for you, it's such a horrible thing to worry about. :hugs:

22-01-13, 20:52
Well i cant go right now as im looking after my neighbours kid and cant leave her alone.
Tomorrow will be better but so nervous :-(

22-01-13, 20:57
Get one tomorrow then and hopefully it will put your mind at rest. x

22-01-13, 20:59
do you reckon my local chemist does them?
its only small but should do right?

22-01-13, 21:01
I think most chemists will sell them and the supermarket will too.

22-01-13, 22:31
I don't want to upset you more but if it was about 14days ago then you most likely were ovulating... And the withdrawal method isn't very safe. My second daughter was made from a one night without a condom with me stupidly thinking no one actually gets pregnant just doing it the once... Turns out they do. But that wasn't using withdrawal. I think you need to test sooner than later and then talk through your bf about what you want to do xxx

22-01-13, 23:59
You can't get pregnant if he pulls out. The only way that precum can have sperm in it is if he has ejaculated recently before this time and has not been for a pee between. Peeing clears all the sperm from the tube inside his penis and therefore you cannot get pregnant in this way. As someone who has fallen pregnant twice using contraception and now I am very scared to fall pregnant again, I am using the pull out method as my only contraception and we have been fine so far.

I know how scary it is to take a test, I have thought I could be pregnant (as in, been almost 100% certain) on about 10 separate occasions - both my positive pregnancy tests came when I didn't really think I was pregnant!

Anxiety sometimes makes your cycle wonky. My last cycle lasted five days extra and I am usually pretty regular too. The only way yo find out is to test.

23-01-13, 00:09
You can get pregnant this way! Sperm can leak out before ejaculation

I think you need to start using alternative contraception to be honest so you don't have this stress again next time.

23-01-13, 00:57
It can only leak in rare cases, as a rrsult of a medical condition. Pulling out is 99% effective, providing he pulls out on time. This is the same success rate as condoms, the pill and the injection. The only more effective method of contraception is charting your cycle.
This comes from my GP who knows how easily I fall pregnant (once on the pill and once with a condom, both used properly)
I also found this (along with lots of other websites saying the same thing) online:
"Finally a group of GYN’s published a study in an attempt to put down this urban legend. Twelve men (including five which were being evaluated for known premature ejaculation) were tested on at least two separate occasions for the presence of sperm in the pre-ejaculatory fluid. After ejaculation they were then given a standard semen sample evaluation. While all men had normal sperm counts and motility, NONE of them had sperm found in their pre-ejaculatory fluids (Zukerman, 2003).

This data would suggest that risk for pregnancy after contact with pre-ejaculatory is very small. Now perhaps, if the male partner has already begun to climax, pregnancy is possible."

So, in other words, if he pulled out before he began to ejaculate, there should be no sperm.

23-01-13, 01:05
Well I found loads of sites saying women had got pregnant using that method so I guess you take your chances. I would never trust that method at all to be honest.

23-01-13, 01:14
Yes, you can get pregnant but only if he doesn't pull out in time.
I know my boyfriend will pull out on time, every time as he knows how fertile we appear to be, whereas I don't quite trust a 1mm sheet of rubber or a bunch of hormones, they don't have as much at stake as we do haha.

23-01-13, 01:16
I think we will have to agree to disagree on this one lol

condoms are as reliable as the method you are using if your facts are correct though.

23-01-13, 01:27
Sorry but I have to agree with Nic here.... I have found a few quotes that say it too....The 2nd quote comes from the NHS website, so a professional site........ I am pretty sure I would not trust that method

A Female Can't Get Pregnant if the Male "Pulls Out" Before He Ejaculates

This is a huge myth! withdrawal is not always a reliable method, and there are several reasons for this. Once a male becomes aroused, he ejects pre-ejaculate fluid -- this fluid can contain at least 300,000 sperm (and it only takes 1 to join an egg)! There is also the risk that he doesn't pull out in time as, in the heat of the moment, it can be hard to keep control. Even if he ejaculates outside of the vagina, sperm can swim, so semen anywhere near the vagina can still lead to pregnancy (this means that pregnancy can occur even without penile penetration if a male ejaculates on or near the vagina). Withdrawal can be an effective method, but only if it is done perfectly (which is extremely hard to do).

You can get pregnant if a boy withdraws (pulls out) his penis before he comes.

There's a myth that a girl can’t get pregnant if a boy withdraws his penis before he ejaculates (comes). The truth is, pulling out the penis won’t stop a girl from getting pregnant.
Before a boy ejaculates, there's sperm in the pre-ejaculatory fluid (pre-come), which leaks out when he gets excited. It only takes one sperm to get a girl pregnant. Pre-come can contain STIs, so withdrawing the penis won't prevent you from getting an infection.
If a boy says he’ll take care to withdraw before he ejaculates, don’t believe him. Nobody can stop themselves from leaking sperm before they come. Always use a condom to protect yourself against STIs, and also use other contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancy

23-01-13, 01:33
Anyway back to the original point of this thread. Get the test done Girl and let us know how you get on.

23-01-13, 14:02
im buying one in a minute.
Can i do it now or do i have to wait till morning?

23-01-13, 14:05
Hiya, do it as soon as you get it.

Good luck x

23-01-13, 14:08
the other worry is ovarian cancer

23-01-13, 14:10
Your period is probably late because you are worrying about it being late-I often have that problem so have to take a test to ease my mind.
Go and get a test.

23-01-13, 14:28
i dont know what to do if i am

23-01-13, 14:33
You may not have that worry. Just do the test so that you can be sure x

23-01-13, 14:35
I hope this doesn't sound harsh, as I don't mean it to be, but I have been in this position myself and taken the tests. If you are pregnant, you are going to find out sooner or later anyway. The earlier you know, the better, in my opinion.

23-01-13, 17:08
Took test, it was negative.
Still no period though and will be 5 days tomorrow. Now what?

23-01-13, 17:10
It could just be late with you being so anxious at the moment x

23-01-13, 17:17
Well done for taking it.

I bet it will come now that you can stop worrying about being pregnant but if it doesn't it still doesn't mean anything is wrong. Mine was 2 weeks late once!

Even if you went to a doctor I doubt they would do anything yet but eventually they would send you for some tests.

So many harmless things can cause a period to be late so try not to worry too much.

23-01-13, 18:21
its just im very rarely late and have been having pelvic pain etc, also thigh cramps which i always get before my period but no actual period

---------- Post added at 18:21 ---------- Previous post was at 17:36 ----------

another strange symptom ive been having is very sensitive/stingy nipples.
I just really need it to come now!!!
I am glad it was negative but should i do 2 to be sure?

23-01-13, 18:26
If you have more than one you could do another in the morning but I am sure if the first one was negative the second one will be also.All sorts of things can affect your periods including some anti depressants. x

23-01-13, 21:43
i might try next week in the morning

---------- Post added at 21:43 ---------- Previous post was at 18:59 ----------

Guys im really freaking out, dont know what to do, im obsessing eveey time i go to the toilet and wipe myself

23-01-13, 21:54
Why don't you go and talk to doc but I think it is normal to be late or miss periods.

I am sure they will say the same though

23-01-13, 22:13
Thanks nicola.
Its so hard to get an appointment with my doc these days.
I recently (week or so ago) stopped taking eveni primroseh oil high strength and i had been taking it regularly for a while. Could that have an effect?

24-01-13, 11:17
im so worried today. I have never in all my years of having a period, had to wait longer than 4 days!

24-01-13, 13:57
I've skipped every once in a while, never had an issue.

24-01-13, 14:02
is there ever a reason behind it?
could it be that i have just started wellwoman tablets? they have starflower and evening primrose oil in them and folic acid

24-01-13, 14:11
It could be the tablets yes. Ask the pharmacist about them they are pretty knowledgable

24-01-13, 14:12
It can be stress, lifestyle changes, weight changes, medications, anything really. When I last skipped, I got really nervous and did a lot of research and most sources say that it is normal to skip once in a while. If it keeps happening, check in with your doctor, but missing a cycle once in a blue moon usually is ok if you are not pregnant.

24-01-13, 20:23
Im thinking I might have ovarian cancer

24-01-13, 20:27
You would have other symptoms too, I am sure it is not OC but if you are really worried you should go to see your doctor x

24-01-13, 20:37
I do have other symptoms: bloating, gassy and some pelvic pain.
No appetite loss though

24-01-13, 20:43
Does the bloating come and go? All of these symptoms could also be just due to a late period. x

24-01-13, 20:46
Yes and no.
Does bloatinh give you a hard or soft stomach??

24-01-13, 20:55
Bloating looks like a full stomach. I get it with IBS and sometimes look like I am 9 months pregnant!

24-01-13, 21:11
Ive had a full stomach but its not been persistent.
I am very gassy though.
Its day 34 of my cycle now, I feel so full up with hormones, like i need to release them.
Its sending me out of my mind :-(

24-01-13, 21:22
It doesnt sound like OC so I wouldn't worry about that but you are obviously very anxious about your missed period so i think you should go to see your GP just to reassure you xx

24-01-13, 21:46
Im only 23 so i guess OC would be rare anyway?
I can never get an appointment at my GP these days. Theyre only taking emergencies.at the moment :-(

24-01-13, 21:49
They can't just take emergencies, you have to be able to see a doc within 48 hours so ring them and tell them that.

25-01-13, 06:29
Its because theyre moving buildings.
Im very worried that i have OC, still no period, its driving me mad

25-01-13, 06:32
I've missed loads of periods in my lifetime and have been fine.

One thing I have found though, is if you're worrying or panicking about a period not starting you can delay it even further. Stress can play havoc with periods.

25-01-13, 08:25
I am also late for and worried about pregnancy, have done countless pregnancy tests and all negative.I see you are in evening primrose oil? I have heard that can play havoc with periods and make them longer x

25-01-13, 13:27
Hi just to let you know i thought i was pregnant last year i had loads of symptoms and i ended up being 17 days late! 17 days of worry then i came on, it was anxiety putting it off, so (i know its not easy) try not to think about it and im sure it will come, I ended up taking about 7 pregnancy tests all negative obviously but i was convinced I was pregnant.

25-01-13, 17:31
Thanks girls, we its day 35 and still nothing.
I feel really odd though like im going to come on i also feel abit nauseus and and as though i might have a bladder infection.
Its all so confusing. Also something I forgot to mention is that round about mid cycle I had some creamy white discharge that was abit stringy and mixed with a little blood, ive only ever had that once before when i was on the pill.
It could have been ovulation but then where is my period?

---------- Post added at 17:31 ---------- Previous post was at 17:28 ----------

I know freaking out wont help but i cant stop.
I know il be like this until it finally comes which in that case could be ages

25-01-13, 19:12
Sometimes you can get a bit of blood a few days before your period.
Now and again I might start n get some blood, then nothing but a few days later I'll get my period.

Your discharge does change depending on your cycle, I think they blood often is mixed with the stringy discharge. When your are ovulating you get a big increase in discharge n it can be kinda uncomfortable :)

The thing is it can take a whole for the test to show positive if you were pregnant.
But you said he pulled out, which makes it highly unlikely but not impossible.
You also said I think you weren't ovulating at the time, which is good :)

If worst comes to worst you do have options, options are good.

But I really think the worry is actually making your period late.
You have all the PMS symptoms and pain.
Often when my periods late I get the PMS n mild cramps off and on, sometimes I'll even totally skip my period.

I know you are worried but all you can do is wait, and take the test again or get a blood test at the doctors.
Don't assume the worst, It's just as possiable if not more that your period is simply late.

25-01-13, 21:34
Just took a second tesr - negative.
Do I need to take anymore?

---------- Post added at 21:34 ---------- Previous post was at 19:44 ----------


I just googled - bad I know and it says you can have a rumour of pituary gland if you miss periods :-\ i feel so odd as im so used to having them.
Can ibs delay them?

26-01-13, 09:20
Anyone? Day 36 and nothing.
2 negative pregnancy tests, going to take another one tomorrow.
I am really worried that its something like early menopause or ovary failure.
I do suffer from acne so it could br PCOS.
I need to know. The wait is killing me!

26-01-13, 09:30
If you are this worried about it I really think you should do as Nicola has suggested and see your doctoras he is the only one who can really reassure you but like others have said it is probably due to stress orpossibly the supplements you have been taking xx

26-01-13, 16:39
I will go to the doctors this week.
Do you reckon the blood mixed in with discharge was anything to worry about this month?