View Full Version : Amitriptyline . Prozac poop out . Desperate !!

22-01-13, 22:42
Please help , been on amitriptyline for almost 3 months increasing from 20mg to 50 mg at present . My sleeping is better but in myself I feel far far worse and have started having really dark thoughts . I don't understand what's going on . Sometimes I feel absolutely fine but then can be plunged into an awful place that I'm struggling to keep a lid on . I can't really talk to my partner as I feel I have to keep a lot of stuff to myself so he won't get irritated by me . I'm constantly scared of saying or doing the wrong thing and I know this isn't helping . The last time I saw my GP 3 weeks ago she near enough said I'd tried everything going which disheartened me !! I don't eyed her telling me I'm beyond help . Started counselling sessions last week and although not much was got done in the first one I'm hoping it will help .... I was on Prozac for 3 years and was great on them then all of a sudden they seemed to stop working . Something I've been told since is called a 'Prozac poop out' . That was last summer and would be grateful if anybody knows when I could go back to them as I've heard such contradictory opinions . ANY advice would be appreciated as I'm worried sick nothing else can be done for me :(((( Thanks for reading x

23-01-13, 08:56
Hi Sazzle
I don't know anything about the meds you've been taking so I can't comment on that I'm afraid but I did want to say something about counselling. I'm guessing you've had anxiety/depression for a while but it seems counselling is a new thing? Your first session will just be an introductory/assesment so you shouldn't expect much in the way of progress until you've had a few more sessions.
It seems like you do need to talk though from what you've said about your partner and not wanting to irritate them. I know the feeling well.
What I do know is that you're not beyond help. It seems from what you've said that you're not getting the right kind of help yet and I'm sure there's lots of things that can be done other than what's been tried so far.
As far as the dark thoughts go, you really do need to talk to someone when they happen. If there's no trusted friend or relative, I am a great advocate of The Samaritans and constantly tell people on here to give them a try. The have helped me through many a dark moment and I can't praise them highly enough.
You should give yourself a big pat on the back for using this forum too. There are lots of lovely people on here who understand eactly how you feel and asking people who understand for help is a sensible and positive thing to do.
Good luck with everything and big hugs to you. :hugs:

23-01-13, 21:50
Thank you so much for your reply Pigeon . I will take on board everything you've said . Sometimes it's so difficult to even put into words how I feel but I will keep trying and coming on here . It helps knowing I'm not alone . Appreciate you asking the time to reply x