View Full Version : Been given Citalopram. Anyone else use this?

01-09-06, 12:57
I was given Citalopram by my doctor yesterday and took my first tablet last night. No side effects immediately but i woke up in the night and couldnt get back to sleep and then this morning all of a sudden i was hit by huge bouts of nausea which found me running to be sick 3 times. I had to go back to bed until it wore off which was about an hour ago. I still feel shaky but not nearly as sick. Can anybody else who has taken this tablet tell me how they found it to begin with? I dont think i can cope with this while my body gets used to it so am considering not taking anymore.


polly daydream
01-09-06, 19:37
Hi, give your body a chance to get used to the drug, the side effects will calm down, I had bouts of nausea but wasn't actually sick but we are all different, I was extremely anxious though, the side effects lasted about a week or so then started to calm down but I promise you once the drug kicks in you should feel alot better.

Be strong and see it through.


01-09-06, 19:42

I have been given this also today by my doctor, instead of Fluoxetine which was having similar sickly effects on me.
I'll let you know how I get on tomorrow.
Chin up - It's all good fun (?)[Sigh...]


02-09-06, 12:14

I started on citalopram over a year ago now, and I found that it helped me quite alot, I did'nt get any side effects really.

I started on the 10mg dose, then increased it after a month or 2, then my doctor put me on the newer version of citalopram (escitalopram), and I am still on that now. It does'nt feel as though it helps me as much as it used to do, but I know I would feel alot worse if I was'nt on it.

I suppose everyone will get different side effects, to be honest I find that when I read the leaflet that lists all the side effects, I tend to worry like mad, and feel really anxious and convince myself that I will get them.

I am sorry that you are feeling so rough, give it time. Could you not break the tablet in half and maybe have half in the morning and half at night.

My doctor told me that citalopram works quicker than alot of the other SSRIs, and I found that they did. I hope they work for you soon. Good Luck
