View Full Version : GERD. Omeprazole not working...

23-01-13, 15:28
My new doctor definitely thinks I have GERD so they increased my Omeprazole to 40mg and for the first week I noticed some differences, but now I'm back to square one again.... I'm getting the feeling of vomit coming back up as far as my throat again, burping a lot and feeling sick again.. I'm going back in three weeks for my check-up.

I've had a blood and stool test to see if I have anemia or H.Pylori infection which my doctor suspects I have too.

I'm afraid I'm going to need an endoscopy somewhere down the line as that's what my doctor says if nothing is working and they find out that my blood and stool test comes back negative.

I don't want to go into a hospital yet as that stupid norovirus is still doing its rounds.. I've also heard that endoscopys are very uncomfortable and some people have been sick during it, and I have a phobia of being sick..

Ugh. I think I have something serious up with me. I'm scared I won't live to 30 years old. Let alone 25.

23-01-13, 17:37
Hi Rls, I have my endoscopy on Friday so i'll let you know what its like!

24-01-13, 01:04
hey Arnie, that will definitely help! Thanks a lot.

Good Luck for your endoscopy, hope everything goes well for you. :hugs:

24-01-13, 06:57
omeprazole is crap to be honest. It doesn't work for me that well. Even though I have been told to take 40 mg in the morning and 40 mg at night which maybe you could give a go to see if that works. Another tablet I take with it usually is motilium its an anti nausea and vomiting tablet so it also stops the reflux from coming up as it kind of works the same way.

Reflux is awful and if they refer you to a gastroscopy and you are worried hun then maybe ask to see if a barium swallow and meal will be alright for you.

I turned down my gastroscopy because I got the throat spray which was grose and I gagged big time and then my anxiety came in big time and told them to stop I don't want it anymore. Im still yet to ask my doctor about getting the barium swallow and meal test done. Im just scared to get referred back to the gastroscopy that I just haven't complained to my doctor again about it. I just get my omeprazole tablets and that's it.

I'm sorry if I put you off but I don't do gagging I hate it and so it put me off but I would definitely ask about your options aye about what you could have done.

24-01-13, 13:47
Hey PinkRoxy. It's totally fine! No need to apologise or anything. :)

I take my Omerpazole tablets in the morning so I'll try it your way tomorrow, and see what happens. I've also heard great stories about taking Motilium, so I'll pick some up next week or so.

My Dad has had barium swallow and an endoscopy done before and he said both are unpleasant but barium meal is less pleasant. Just the stuff you drink/eat is horrible I've heard. :P

Thing is, I think an endoscopy can see more things a barium swallow cannot see.

I wish you Good Luck for whatever you decide to do in the future. :)

24-01-13, 20:25
Hello Rls

Yes I do agree that I think the gastroscopy does show up more things inside. I don't know if I am able to be referred back to try again. I wanted a full anaesthetic but they wouldn't do that for me.

Well I hope you are able to get it sorted and the tablets start working soon. I think the tests are mainly to rule out anything else such as gall stones or polyps and other things that could be causing you reflux problems. As for GERD its more of a condition that isn't caused by those.

Well gastroscopy may work alright for you if you are prepared, I think if I didn't have the panic attack I may have been able to go through with it as the worse stuff was pretty nearly done when I panicked.

Well all the best for you too aye.

26-01-13, 07:50
I've had 5 or 6 Gastroendoscopies over the years and if you have sedation then you won't know a thing. The throat spray in normally banana flavoured and just numbs your throat a little and will last a very short time. Speaking as a wimp, I can honestly say that now when I have one, I don't worry about it at all. At least if you do have to one, it will give you peace of mind.

26-01-13, 09:33
I just want to say they were suppose to sedate me when I went to have one and they connected me all up and I was expecting to fall asleep but then they gave me the spray awake and that is when I freaked because I was not sedated I was awake for it.

I was really annoyed that they didn't sedate me before they started to do anything to me. Before I went to have that procedure earlier that month I had another one a laparoscopy and I remember starting to feel nervous and before I knew it I was asleep and awake in recovery before I could think of what happened or where I went. I just wish the gastroscopy was like that. I wasn't too happy with the fact that they didn't sedate me for the whole thing, I said not to do it out of fear I needed to have it done I still get problems but too scared to tell my doctor because I dont want to go back there to get it done.

Im not trying to scare the OP as I hope she does get it sorted and sedated so she doesn't know what is going on.

26-01-13, 10:44
Hi Rls1994 I no what u mean about the omeprazole I think there crap so I stopped mine and now just take gaviscon when needed, I have also turned down 4endoscopys as I was to scared to have them done but I've came to realise that its just acid and nothing more, I believe zantac are great for stomach acid maybe try them xx