View Full Version : Problems when in the Cinema

23-01-13, 18:51
Hiya all,
I am just wondering if there is any reasoning being why I always come out of the cinema feeling anxious. I used to put it down to the amount of sugar intake I would have while watching the film but the last few times I have gone I have not consumed anything with sugar in it(Sugar rushs or Caffeine can sometimes set me off). It has put me off going to the cinema altogether currently. I start to get more and more fidgety the longer the film goes on and breathing seems to get harder. Once I get out of the film I start to calm down and within a few minutes I am fine again. This never used to happen and I've had these anxiety problems for years now. Any enlightenment would be much appreciated :)

23-01-13, 19:06
A lot of people are frightened of the cinema, myself included. It's usually a combination of the excitement and darkness, the feeling of being trapped and unable to escape, and the whole being stuck in front of a massive and sometimes overwhelming screen. then you associate fear with the cinema and it gets worse and worse. My suggestion is to where something comfy to avoid getting itchy and fidgety, and, as you say, not to have too much sugar, and if you get bored just go on your phone a bit. Learn to enjoy films again though, the cinema is a great experience :)

23-01-13, 19:43
I got this anxiety as well. I've no idea how I managed to watch a long film like the hobbit the other day without walking out.