View Full Version : Frustrated..

23-01-13, 20:44
Hi everyone,

Sorry I havent been around much lately - unfortunatly my anxiety has kicked back into full swing the last week, complete with hours on end of panic attacks chest pains and achy arms. Been impossible to rationalise with myself to the point where I cant sleep without falling asleep through sheer exhaustion of panic.

Its so upsetting and frustration because deep down I know its my anxiety because thats what im calling it, but it still doesnt feel like it every time, each time I dont believe it and each time I work myself into a frenzy and cant think.

Part of my anxiety is down to my parents, theyre both alcoholics and I had to look after them from a young age and watch them slowly get worse and worse. My mother was the first to get worse and go into rehab after attempting suicide and now we have a fantastic relationship, but unfortunately my father is the same now - just completed 6 months of rehab where I reluctantly tried to build our relationship back up again as he kept saying how sorry he was blah blah.. then last week walked out of there and went straight back on the booze.

It would be daft not to relate my bad spell back to this but I feel like im coping. Its a vicious circle.

Im too tired to keep getting myself checked out to see what pain is what but at the same time im exhausted from worry and feel my relationship is straining because all I want to do is work and sleep.

I feel sometimes im having a great day and doing my steps and writing my problems, but these pains in my chest I keep having are just taking over and turning me into a nervous wreck that I'm just going to die.

Starting to get that 'cant cope' feeling back again, and I'm trying desperatly not to go back to the doctors but I cant carry on like this.

Anyone ever feel like camping at a hospital and refusing to move untill they find out EXACTLY what is wrong with you and make it go away and make you return back to how you was before all this??

Sorry for the long post - but thought I should explain why I havent been here and I really really hope you are all doing really well and staying strong!


23-01-13, 20:58
Katie know wonder you are so anxious bless you, you have gone through so much. Have you had any sort of counselling to help you? High anxiety really does exhaust you and make you feel so weak. Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

23-01-13, 21:04
Hi Annie -

I know you would think I would have been in a high state of panic for years but I really havent ive been absolutely fine! All of a sudden around 6 months ago panic hit me like a ton of bricks.

Id like to think its because I just havent dealt with it, but I dont know. It just seems too far-fetched; why now? Doesnt make much sense to me :-\

Im starting CBT when my appointment comes through could take up to 4 months but I just want to desperatly get rid of these chest pains and the heavy feeling on my chest because its making me panic and in turn causing anxiety, making it worse.. and the cycle continues! :-|

Thank you for your kind words - I know no - one has the answers and its something I need to figure out myself but sometimes typing distracts me lol :-) xx

23-01-13, 21:07
I lived in an abusive relationship for 13 days and was strong because I had to be. It was only when I was out of the situation and happily married again that the anxiety hit me. You cope for so long then your mind and body needs to rest and the anxiety starts. I am sure the CBT will help you. Just remember the anxiety and panic attacks can not harm you xx

23-01-13, 21:14
Wow so you know what Im going through especially again - sorry about that.

You know the hard part is people seeming to not understand or not taking it very seriously, if I had a recognized illness people would understand but for some reason I dont think people take what I have too seriously. Its almost like a hypochondria - you dont really pay attention and think theyre silly!

I hope not - I do keep telling myself that and trying - and Ill keep trying untill im better.

How are you doing?

23-01-13, 21:26
I am getting a bit better. I had anxiety really bad 8 years ago for 1 year (I have been with my husband now 14 years) I was doing really well then had an accident in June which triggered the anxiety again. I am going for intense psychotherapy which I am hoping will help me deal with everything x

23-01-13, 21:34
Well done you for doing well for so long. An accident is no wonder it kicked off again. I know its awful expecially when your OK for so long. I went 3 months of being fine then started again about 2 months ago. Its really frustrating. Good for you, did CBT help you? x

23-01-13, 21:36
CBT helped me. I had it about 7 year ago and I am hoping the intense psychotherapy will help me deal with other issues.

23-01-13, 21:44
well good luck to you hun and thanks for messaging x

23-01-13, 21:49
I hope you don't have to wait too long for your CBT appointment, I am sure it will help you x