View Full Version : Anyone that has found a way to cope?

23-01-13, 22:47
Ok i'll keep this as short as pos, i relapsed with my health anxiety just after Christmas due to being overly stressed and was worried about how i was always so tired on lexapro and short tempered, started to over think about that and hey presto! I had a bout 6 months before due to a real health scare which thank god was fine and was changed from effexor to lexapro, doesn't seem to help as much but i'd been on effexor for 9 yrs! And was fine on that no bouts at all! So here i am 2 bouts in 6 months and im also very depressed, we had to call in the crisis team as i have been suicidal :'( That terrifies me but sometimes i feel so lost and desperate it feels like the only option, I have 3 young children whom I cant bare to put them through this again, also i stay with my mum when im like this for support but its too much for her, shes a natural worrier and cant.bare to see me like this, im scared of having to go through this again and again and dragging my fam through it too, I have a partner who i love to bits and vice versa but he really doesn't understand so he finds it hard to support me. I have had my lexapro increased from 15 to 20mg but doesn't seem to help to be honest, but pdoc isnt keen on changing as im due to start cbt in a couple of weeks, thing is i just dont see the point! I will never be well i dont think I.cant bare the thought of getting better then 6 months down the line back to square 1 again! If anyone can give me some advice? Maybe you've been at this point and can help? I'd be eternally greatful, sorry its was a long read, Thanks

23-01-13, 22:54
I was at this point 2 years ago and believe me when I say you WILL GET BETTER. You must be prepared to put a little bit of effort in though for this to happen, which I believe you will because of your three young children.

Health anxiety is not something which stays with you for life. You will look back at this time when you are better and think 'was I really that bad?' I do every day, it scares me how low I was, I have young kids too.

Don't worry, you will overcome this.

23-01-13, 23:17
Thank you for your reply can I ask what you mean about it not staying for life? Will it just go? I got over the being worried about symptoms of anxiety they dont bother me anymore, im more afraid of this just coming back again and again due to stress like this time its like fear of fear and im terrified how id cope if i did get.really ill, how long.did u suffer? Thanks again.

24-01-13, 09:07
So you're afraid of the fear returning?

You are not bound by health anxiety - you have a choice: Do I let this ruin my life even when I'm not anxious (because I'm scared of getting anxious again), or should I spend the time I have left on this planet caring for, playing with and enjoying my young family?

You may not feel at times like you have this choice but you do. Take control of your life again.

24-01-13, 10:04
Thank you Skippy66 I know you are right, just finding it hard to see straight at the mo, hopefully it will start to sink in soon, the anxiety is one thing but.depression is a whole new ball game for me. They feed off.eachother, I will try to use positive talking and have read that exersize/good diet and vitamins are also very beneficial so i will start that too and hope for the best with that and cbt which im due to start sometime in the next couple of weeks.

24-01-13, 16:21
Anytime you feel down go and give your kids a hug. It works wonders.

Let us know how the cbt goes.

PS If you think you're going to relapse you probably will. You need to shift your attitude. This is not me saying 'chin up', it's me saying: "if you think you can or you think you can't do something, you're probably right."

24-01-13, 20:39
Hate to see someone suffering so much, have you looked at this http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=53 it's very good. Have been having a bad time with my HA, but this has really helped. I know it's scary but if you face your fear it becomes less frightening, it's not an immediate cure, but if you put the work in, you can get better. X