View Full Version : Neck cracks

23-01-13, 22:53
Hi I am starting to get worried, as my neck keeps cracking. I don't get any pain when it happens. Has anyone else ever experienced this?

23-01-13, 22:55
All the time. Back too. And fingers.

23-01-13, 23:04
My knees crack all the time, but I know that I don't need to worry about them.

23-01-13, 23:07
Everything cracks when I get up, I feel like I am 110 yrs old. lol but yes.......my neck does it all the time. :)

23-01-13, 23:09
I'm the same as Panickyme :)

23-01-13, 23:20
The last time my neck cracked I had just finished moving to sit up straight.

23-01-13, 23:23
Mine does it a lot.

23-01-13, 23:25
Mine too. It creaks and cracks for no reason and has done for years. I just ignore it as it doesn't hurt. I just hope no-one else can hear it!


23-01-13, 23:30
Yep with every turn ad it freaks me out

24-01-13, 00:01
why does it freak you out? Isn't it just air or something that pops?
My knees always crack, my neck cracks too and sometimes when I swallow which I hate.
It's nothing to be concerned about but you could always mention it to your doctor.

27-01-13, 10:06
Alll the time, every morning i rotate my neck to release tension and it cracks. Dont feel nervous about it, its totally normal, my shoulders do it to...and back.


27-01-13, 13:01
my neck & knees crack. hips sometimes. oh and back. hmmn. shouldnt have played so much sport or done so much heavy duty gardening I guess! But you cant live life doing nothing eh?
My neck's better than it used to be as i'd hold the telephone receiving between my shouldder & jaw..... a big NO NO I now understand, very bad for your neck! Ooops.