View Full Version : So down.

24-01-13, 00:22
So fed up of all of this...want to enjoy my little boy and get out and about and I was making progress, but have suffered a set back and now feel totally trapped in the house.

Sorry to whinge, but I'm in tears here and I have no one to talk to. My family don't know I suffer with Anxiety and agoraphobia as they don't live locally.

Just wish I had someone who would give me a hug and let me cry and talk. My partner is lovely and understanding, but I know he's feeling the stress of doing everything and I don't want to trouble him.

I see pics of my old friends on facebook out in the snow with their children and I feel so sad and angry that I can't do that.

Sorry to sound so down. It's the only place I feel that I can say how I feel.

MH x

24-01-13, 00:28
Hey Margaret,
People in the chatroom right now - you're welcome to join us.


24-01-13, 00:48
You are not alone with these feelings. I suffered terribly when my youngest child was three and everything was a struggle. We would hardly go anywhere cos of my depression and anxiety. I used to cry all the time and it really sucked. But as someone said to me today very wisely as long as our children feel loved they will get through it with us. To make you feel brighter I am five years down the line from then and I can't say yes I am cured and no longer have my low times but I am cured from staying indoors and now say yes to every invitation and even went on holiday for two weeks away from my house and that i can tell you is a bloody miracle as it was my fortress. Medication helps but the biggest support for me was this site and all the helpful and supportive people. My issue is health anixety and i am in a "flare" at the moment but I know deep down it is just a signal that I need to take it easy for a while, but I will keep pushing myself to get out and about.

Keep trucking and look for the sunny days xxxx

24-01-13, 09:44
Sorry you are feeling so down Margaret. I am also having a little setback at the moment but that is what we have to tell ourselves, it is a little setback and we will get better. Try to remind ourselves of the positive times sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

24-01-13, 19:35
Hi Margaret,

Sorry you are feeling so down. Are you getting any kind of support for your agoraphobia? Do you know what triggered it?

I don't really know what to say about agoraphobia, but I'll send you some hugs: :hugs::hugs::hugs:

24-01-13, 23:25
Hi all,

it started with panic attacks and led to agoraphobia as my GP wouldn't take me seriously. She kept trying to tell me it was because I was depressed (I wasn't) about my weight (a bit overweight but not massively) She gave me Xenical/orlistat and told me I'd feel better with the weight off.:mad:

I think it's hormonal, I really do. Sometimes I'm ok, I can go out no problem but other days (before and after my period) I feel very anxious for no reason.

Thanks for being here, honestly don't know what I do without this place xx

25-01-13, 09:02
Hi Margaret, It's good that you can go out sometimes without a problem and the anxiety is not constant as that should give you some confidence that you will be OK. What Stacy says is so true, children are resiliant and as long as they are fed, warm and feel loved they thrive, I've had several bouts of anxiety and depression since having children and have doubted my parenting skills but my children have turned out great, try not to compare yourself to other parents - we don't know what is really going on in other peoples lifes.

As for your doc :mad: See a different one if you can, write down how you've been feeling before going. Have you tried any antidepressants?
Take Care
Love Sam

25-01-13, 11:33
to be honest, I'm too frightened to try anti depressants, I worry that I'll feel 'out of it' or fall asleep when I'm alone with my son.

I've changed GPs and she seems much nicer. Thanks for the support! xx