View Full Version : tough times

24-01-13, 11:23
well yesterday a dreded wedding invite came through the post from a good friend ive not seem him for a little while so didnt no wether id get an invite, most people would be really happy and xcited not me , made me really anxious and worried about the whole day.
all my mates are going and there all big drinkers its gunna be a total nightmare ive gotta get through the wedding, then theres the meal and finally the evening due, theres gunna be quite a few people coming down from up country who i havnt seen in a while.
i cant even allow myself to drink for just that day as my folks will suss on and kick me out the house,
it just seems to be one thing after another at the moment increasing my anxiety.
i was slack in checking my bank balance during mid december and my drs note got lost in the post it ran out and the wpd havnt paid me for the last four weeks , so i had to go see the dr get a note backdated and send it of to the wpd who have said they will back pay me ( im still paranoid they wont ) ill give them till monday then phone them to make sure they recived the drs note and a little letter that i sent them.
its just simple stuff like this that im really struggling with at the moment , out of all my close friends apart from one im the only one thats single i just dont get out anymore in the evenings , banned from local pub for being a ****** , id be quite happy to go there even if it was to have a soda but this landlord seems unforgiving so thats not gunna be happening.
im super low at the moment i dont have anything going for me , lost my driving lisence, lost my job, lost my confidence everything is just so foggy

25-01-13, 11:01
im struggling today to find anything decent thats going on in my life

25-01-13, 11:03
Maximus I don't know what to say except to send you more hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs: I really do hope that things will get better for you soon. We just have to try and be positive and know that there is light at the end of this dark tunnel.

25-01-13, 11:20
It sounds like you're still suffering the consequences of past heavy drinking. Drinking probably to cope with your anxiety.

Knock drinking on the head for good mate. It's only going to bring you harm and worsen anxiety and depression.

If you've been drinking heavy in the past you'll probably be nutritionally deficient and your body and brain could do with a good flush out.
Get a powerful multivit and eat clean. Join the gym. Get good exercise. It'll clear your head and suddenly you'll become more organised.

It's up to you but I'd give the wedding a miss. I'd dread it just like you. Make an excuse. Up to you. If you feel you can manage it without drinking then do it.

Clean up and get a girlfriend. Corny but "behind every great man there's a great woman" is sort of true. Because men need that emotional support. It might be what you need.

25-01-13, 19:58
Relax and take things slow your benefits will be paid they have lost my notes twice and it gets paid. If this occurs again get your job centre to fax the duplicate. You need some support request your mental health team appoint a support worker. They can help with housing benefits and support to cope. If your not under a mental health team get refered. There is help support and a future. Just be careful if you have an addictive personality taking diazepam. Getting off alcohol is easier than benzodiazepines. Chin up small steps. Life changes it doesn't end. Getting better is the route to getting your life back. If you don't feel comfortable going to the wedding then don't x x

26-01-13, 15:10
its lorazepam im on at the moment but there weaning me across to diazepam its a little late on the addiction side of things ive been on them way to long, my partner passed away i had a breakdown and they had to get me on them as i was loosing the plot bigtime,
yeh im sure the benifits will sort itself out i was just annoyed i lost track of it causing me more anxiety.
yeh im ginna have to give the wedding some serious thought , i dont trust myself i seem to be ok if i have the odd can now and again but a session ruins my brain chemistry bigtime