View Full Version : Ddcoo tongue cancer update 7

24-01-13, 12:17
Anxious gal asked if I know what to expect during my radiotherapy and chemotherapy and yes I have been given a book from Leeds Hospital with the effects of both. The radiotherapy will not be nice, but for the first couple of weeks it will be bearable and the radio waves build up in strength and then after that I can expect a very sore throat as the tissue is burned, a dry mouth, saliva glands will stop working, my swallow may go and I would have to go back onto gastro/nasal feeding. There will be thick secretions that will make me cough and this goes on for 5-6 weeks after the end of the treatment. I have to continue to do swallowing and mouth exercises as my jaw muscles could shrink. I will probably lose my sense of taste. But through all this I will be in the best of hands and any discomfort or pain I am in will be kept under control with pain killers, and there are sprays that are false saliva and also I have to keep a bottle of water with me to keep my mouth wet. Also I have a nebuliser to help with the secretions, so that is about it for the radiotherapy.

The chemotherapy, I have one session on my first day and a second one 5 weeks into my treatment. I will probably feel nauseous for 48 hrs after this treatment, but I have been told that I won't lose my hair.

All this starts next Thursday 31 January and should be over by 17th March, but the effects do continue after the end of the treatment for another couple of weeks and then start to subsiude.

I am looking forward to the time when I can potter around my little back garden and just relax. I know it is going to take me at least 12 months for my body to recover not only from the huge operation but also from the treatment, but it will be worth it all as I shall be cancer free and not everyone diagnosed is as lucky as me.

At least I have my pals on NMP that are encouraging me and giving me strength. I have a lot to live for and I need you all.

Try not to worry about things that don't matter, I wish I could turn back the clock and put things in perspective, and if just one of you can see through the devil that is health anxiety then all this will have been worth while. Love you all, Di:)

24-01-13, 12:25
I wish it was May then all this would be in the past for you Di. we will be with you to support you all the way. :bighug1: xx

24-01-13, 12:32
You are the best, every time I read your updates, I sit here and think that YOU ARE REALLY MY HERO!!!!!!!!!! Bless you, the courage that you have shown all of us on here is incredible. You have so much fight in you, I know you are going to win this battle. We will make sure we are with for years to come. I wish I could come over there and just give you a hug. But I am there with you in spirit, always thinking of you, and hoping you are comfortable, and alright. You have a fan club pulling for you. We will never let you down. (we/I love you) You are going to be back in your garden before you know it, well on your way to recovery. How are you feeling, are you getting plenty of rest? Cause I need you all rested up to fight this fight. I will be over here praying, and praying for you, and I don't pray or ask for much so he better hear me!!!!!!!!! Many hugs coming your way! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

24-01-13, 12:38
You are a bloody legend Di.
Your story has made me realise that there is more to life than worrying. So much, that I will begin playing cricket this weekend again after a 5-year layoff. I just couldn't bring myself to play again when I thought I am dying. But I am playing this weekend.
Consider yourself a legend in my eyes.

24-01-13, 12:49
Justin my dear friend, you have just made my battle worth while, I can't tell you how you just made me feel .... all this IS worth it if I have given you the strength to get on with your life .... you are not dying and neither am I. We will both be enjoying the sunshine this year. I am so pleased that you are returning to cricket, and just promise me on thing; that you will be on the WINNING TEAM.

24-01-13, 12:56
I have just cried reading Justin's comment and your reply Di. here am I sitting worrying and crying about going to a wedding fair on Sunday with my daughter, wondering how I will cope! You are going through so much Di because you have no other choice, I have a choice and I should be making the right one. Justin if you can get to the cricket, I can get to the wedding fair!! Di, Justin is right, you really are a legend :) xx

24-01-13, 13:10
It's true she is inspiring, every day when I freak out driving to work, I say look at me it's a short drive, and look at Di what she is going through, and I get in that car and go. Dd you ARE a inspiration to us all. :)

24-01-13, 15:10
I came across a few blogs where people talked about their journey with mouth cancer.
All of them had happy out comes :)
But it's good you know what to expect, I think if you know it's normal under the circumstance you wouldn't be so worried by it.

Oh if you won't loose your hair from chemotherapy hopefully it won't make you too tired or sick. I think for a woman losing your hair can be pretty painful.

24-01-13, 16:04
Thinking of you ddcoo xx:hugs::hugs:

24-01-13, 19:14
You're an inspiration Di! Stay strong and this nightmare will be all over soon.

Thinking of you XXX

24-01-13, 20:23
God bless you and keep you safe.
You have so many people rooting for you and sending you love xx:hugs:

25-01-13, 01:33
You truly are an inspiration, Di. The treatment sounds pretty harsh but in a few weeks it'll all be over and you'll be cancer free. I'll be thinking of you and sending you good wishes over the next few weeks. Sending big :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

25-01-13, 08:04
Justin my dear friend, you have just made my battle worth while, I can't tell you how you just made me feel .... all this IS worth it if I have given you the strength to get on with your life .... you are not dying and neither am I. We will both be enjoying the sunshine this year. I am so pleased that you are returning to cricket, and just promise me on thing; that you will be on the WINNING TEAM.
I'll let you know how I go tomorrow night after the game.
Thankyou for the inspiration.:hugs:

25-01-13, 08:11

Words fail me time and time again.

Your fight against adversity is truely amazing and every time you come back fighting and regaining your sense of humour. You have touched many people's hearts on here.

God Bless you and here's to a full recovery :hugs:

26-01-13, 09:04
Justin my dear friend, you have just made my battle worth while, I can't tell you how you just made me feel .... all this IS worth it if I have given you the strength to get on with your life .... you are not dying and neither am I. We will both be enjoying the sunshine this year. I am so pleased that you are returning to cricket, and just promise me on thing; that you will be on the WINNING TEAM.
I don't want to take away from Di's thread and the message she brings. I will keep this short. I played and really enjoyed it. Took 3 wickets for 11 runs from 6 overs and didn't need to bat as we passed their score losing only three wickets. So I did play on the winning team Di and thankyou for giving me the inspiration to get out there and have a go again after all this time. I will play again next week. Thankyou so much.

26-01-13, 09:15
Justin well done!! I know that Di wont think you are taking away from your thread and it will cheer her to read your post :)

26-01-13, 09:41
Justin well done!! I know that Di wont think you are taking away from your thread and it will cheer her to read your post :)I hope so Annie. and thanks. it was an enjoyable day.

26-01-13, 12:02
Justin, you made my day and I am so VERY pleased with your courage and determination and you WERE on the winning team in more ways than one. Of course you are not taking anything away from me, you are adding to my success story on here, I just wish I could wave a magic wand and everyone could do as well as you have.

So now you have a new life in front of you with the sunshine on your head instead of black clouds.

You certainly haven't lost your touch with the cricket ball have you? You certainly thrashed the other team, I just wish I could have been sat in a deck chair watching the match - no one would have been cheering louder than me.

Next week I start my own match and I too am going to take some of your courage and put it into my treatment and play as hard as I can to get through the game with as little discomfort and as much gusto as possible.
Please keep posting on how you are doing, especially after your next match. Di x

26-01-13, 12:11
Justin, you made my day and I am so VERY pleased with your courage and determination and you WERE on the winning team in more ways than one. Of course you are not taking anything away from me, you are adding to my success story on here, I just wish I could wave a magic wand and everyone could do as well as you have.

So now you have a new life in front of you with the sunshine on your head instead of black clouds.

You certainly haven't lost your touch with the cricket ball have you? You certainly thrashed the other team, I just wish I could have been sat in a deck chair watching the match - no one would have been cheering louder than me.

Next week I start my own match and I too am going to take some of your courage and put it into my treatment and play as hard as I can to get through the game with as little discomfort and as much gusto as possible.
Please keep posting on how you are doing, especially after your next match. Di x
You'll do brilliantly. I just know it. Short term pain for long term gain. :hugs:

26-01-13, 13:17
A tear to my eye.
Love you Di!
Keep being strong okay, will be thinking of you.
<3 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

26-01-13, 14:20
thank you Reiss, I will stay as strong as I can and with you and the others spurring me on I will get through this, even if it is unpleasant.
There are thousands of people attending Leeds Oncology Unit every year
and I am but one person - there are thousands of brave people out there having the same treatment as me and I feel so humbled that you are supporting me, again thank you all for sharing my journey. Di x

26-01-13, 14:34
Sending you some hugs!!!!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:Always thinking of you.

26-01-13, 17:20
What a wonderfully brave and spirited lady you are Di. I will be thinking about you this coming Thursday, and throughout the coming weeks. I have no doubt you will cope with all the trials ahead, and in weeks to come, when your treatment is finished, will be able to relax, enjoy and savour each and every day.

Love and best wishes x

26-01-13, 19:02
Just look at all these wonderful posts and yes Di, the courage that you have shown all of us is incredible :).

That's quite a list of treatment & a tough recovery but your fight is what will see you through .... all your friends and fans here too.
By taking the plunge & sharing your journey with everyone here is inspirational. You dont have to be famous to inspire people. Just courageous.
To see people like Justin - listening to your advice & making changes - How cool is that? Justin's right - you are a legend & that's official.

Coming over & giving you a hug sounds like a great idea, but impractical of course....:weep:

I hope you are behaving & taking it easy..... are you being well behaved??? :huh::noangel:??
Even if you dont like being inactive, you KNOW you must be good.... it's too important not to....

Can I join your "Fan Club" please? I dont know how many "hugs" you would charge for membership but here's a few for starters.....
:bighug1: :hugs: :bighug1: :hugs: :bighug1: :hugs: