View Full Version : yellowing of eyes

24-01-13, 13:40
Hi all, i have been suffering anxiety for the past 2 months. I have various sypmtoms that come and go every day. The one thats worrying me at the moment is my eyes. The whites are really yellow. I dont have jaundice or liver disease, all blood tests were normal. Had my eyes checked and they were fine, optician said they were yellow because of uv damage?? Now i'm thinking i've got some strange disease. All my other symptoms COULD be anxiety ie racing heart, woozy head, stomach in knots, dr, but not yellow eyes. So sick of feeling like this, i analyze everything for hours and its so tiring. Just want to go back to feeling how i used to. Waiting for results of CT brain and sinus scan ( i have nasal polyps and dad died of a brain tumour bought on by lung cancer), and am having a chest xray next week (i'm asthmatic), just feel like i have something awful wrong with me. Thanks for reading this

24-01-13, 14:57
Aw poor you, sorry about your dad :(
I can see what you would be scared. It's good the blood tests are ok.
Have you had your iron tested and b12, anemia can cause yellowing of the eyes.
Since you don't have jaundice that rules out a lot of causes.
The optician is right, the eyes can turn yellow from uv exposure but usually happens if you live in a warn sunny country. She should be able to tell from looking at your eyes, so that might the only cause. I would maybe get another eye test from a new person if you'd like a 2nd opinion.
Although with the UV exposure thing, it does tend to be more yellow patches rather than the whole eye suddenly turns yellow. The bits would be slightly raised and thicker which the eye doctor should have easily been able to see.