View Full Version : Doctors letter help

24-01-13, 14:15
Please really need some advise, started smoking again four months ago after been packed up for 5 years. Been having trouble with my chest coughing alot over the last few weeks, had a blood test now been told that the haemoglobin levels are high in my blood and gota have another test, I'm 32 and scared to death I have lung cancer please help.

24-01-13, 14:34
You do know smoking it's self causes your hemoglobin levels to be higher?
It doesn't actually have much to do with your lungs so it's unlikely you have lung problems,
also if you are dehydrated and even sometimes having high blood pressure can cause the readings to be higher.
I think it's due to the smoking really.

The coughing might be a cold, or your lungs/chest are readjusting to the smoking I guess.
Try to cut down or try those e ciggs read one of Alan Carrs books : )

24-01-13, 14:35
You have to love predictive text:

Try to cut down or try those e courgettes, or read one of Alan Carrs books : )

edit: sorry you changed it now so no-one has a clue what I am on about lol

24-01-13, 14:45
Just really scared and I am a worrier, keep telling myself lung cancer would not develop in four months, I have had a cough and cold a few weeks back and not properly over it, have noticed when I cough bad a few times I have noticed a few bits of red in my phlegm.

24-01-13, 16:27
Sorry for stating the bleeding obvious here, but:


24-01-13, 16:43
It's tiny bits, do you think I have anything serious and it's too late, I am packing up making anxiety worse!

24-01-13, 17:24
We can't diagnose lung cancer based on this.

It is probably from the cough but you need to see a doctor really

24-01-13, 18:27
Had a phone consultation with the dr, asked me if I had had a cough and cold which I'm still getting over, said they are repeating fbc because some of the levels was slightly raised, but not massively, hemoglobin 18.7 , asked about lung cancer and said I was too young and takes years to develop, did reassure me but still a part of me worrying!