View Full Version : going away

01-09-06, 16:40
Hello everyone.I went away to Devon in May and had bad axiety and panic attacks all week.It spoilt the holiday for me and my partner.I felt so sorry for him.
Tomorrow Im due to go away for a long weekend and Im feeling anxious because of May,I automatically think its going to be the same.Im always so negative.We are not going to far this time,but its that feeling of not being at home in a safe environment Are there other people like this.Iwas reading about Andrea who has gone away today and I feel for her.
The motorway doesnt help as my last attack I had to tavel back on the motor way in back of my partners car.[8)]

Ellen XX

01-09-06, 17:02
Hi Ellen

Althought I am new to NMP, I had to endure a holiday in USA for three weeks in crowds, queues but worse of all planes. I cant stand sitting still.

I dont personally have a safe place (not home or on holiday). I am a firm believer is PA's/anxiety/fear and believe holidays/thoughts turn into self-fulfilling prohopecy's ie if you think they will happen they will. You are looking back at your May holiday and thinking/believing because they happened in May they will happen now.

Look closely at your thoughts, if you feel they will come true they will. If you think, well whatever happens it may be unpleasant, scary but I will get through it then that may happen. It is turning the negative thoughts/beliefs into positive ones that will make your long week end into something pleasant. Failing that it may feel unbearable.

As I said, I am knew to this type of thinking. It does not work every time for me, but I am beginning to understand the logic behind it.

Try to enjoy your weekend without predicting what it will be like.

Take care of yourself.

Fran XX

polly daydream
01-09-06, 18:49
Hi Ellen, try not to worry hun you will be fine, try to stay positive, just because Mays holiday wasn't to good, doesn't mean this weekend will be the same. Remember don't let this anxiety beat you. As I said to Andrea take plenty to read to keep your mind occupied.

Have a lovely time sweet,

Polly x

01-09-06, 21:07

I just came back from a holiday that I was dreading and I did have a few bad days whilst away but I felt so much better when I got home that I actually went and didn't take the easy option and stay at home instead. I find for me the build up to it is actually worse than doing it. Try not to worry about what might happpen. Thats what i did and I even got on a night time ferry without having a panic!


01-09-06, 21:19
just keep positive ellen, instead of thinking back to mays hols, go through this hol in your mind, from start to finish, making every bit of it happy and fun, and keep reminding yourself of it.
have a great time

we are all stronger people after having this

01-09-06, 21:37
Hi there, this holiday will be different, wherever you are staying hotel/chalet, make that your new safe place for a few days, take with you all of your comforts, you might panic a little, but you would if you were at home, if your partner wants to take a walk etc. and you don't fancy it, just settle and read/prepare a meal whatever you are able to do. You can and will do this. don't let it spoil things for you. Let us know what a fab time you had when you return. take care xx

01-09-06, 23:01
Thank you for all the advice,Im not feeling to bad tonight.My little dog loves his holidays and his walks I think he helps alot as I hate letting him down.Does that sound stupid!Hes always there by my side when I have my attacks.
I have packed my relaxation cds,and all my compfort bits,that was good advice thanks.
Its actually my own touring caravan,but because of may and having an attack in it, it doesnt seem to be a safe place.I will see what happens tomorrow.Hope this doesnt sound to daft.

Ellen XX

02-09-06, 07:10
Well it is the morning of going away,I have been awake on and off all night.Stomach is churning feel sick and dont want to go.Part of me does.I have had to take a valium.It would be easier just to stay home!!
I dont want to let my partner down.Why is life so hard.

Ellen XX

04-09-06, 22:57
I returned from my weekend away.Trip there wasnt to good.nearlly turned round and came back.I kept myself busy on the journey by playing with a game boy.[:I]Couldnt sleep the fist night,kept waking up anxious.Then I actually got up at 4.00am with tummy ache.Listened to my relaxation tape which helped.
Found the mornings were the worse times.As the day went on felt a little more relaxed.Until bed time.
Im really upset as this short weekend was supposed to be a week in Devon,but because of how I have been the last few weeks,panicky and anxious my partner thought a short break first would be better.:(
Well back home now,see what tomorrow brings.

Ellen XX