View Full Version : anxiety and drinking

24-01-13, 17:31
I've had heart related health anxiety for 5 months due to the odd bouts of pvcs that led me to worry I had stuff like cardiomyopathy or valve disease this brought on symotoms of anxiety and I was caught up in a circle of worry and stress and fear of everything

After seeing 6 doctors and a cardio consuntant I got the all clear and was more relaxed untill I had a good few drinks the other night with friends my anxiety is back with a vengence

I'm getting fed up with anxiety now I have a numb feeling in face dry miuth sweaty hands feel like someone has their hands around my neck

Does anyone else feel their anxiety is worse after drinking

24-01-13, 18:06
I'm not a drinker so I can't tell you from my own personnel experiences, but I have read some post on here that alcohol and anxiety just don't mix for some people, and it does create anxiety. Maybe try to find some of those post, and it will put your mind at ease, that it is probably just anxiety. (not a Doc) just a thought. Hope you feel better. :hugs:

Anxious lu
25-01-13, 01:32
So much worse when hungover.. Much more aware and concious and scared of everything and every symptom.. Also alcohol effects your body and then you worry about the effect which cause anxiety to e high.. Vicious circle..

But yes mine is always so much worse After a night of drink..

25-01-13, 01:35
But sadly having a drink helps at the time for me :(
No pins and needles