View Full Version : feeling like i am going to collapse

01-09-06, 20:31
could someone help me

i was out in the car and then came home to get my twins to bed. i was rushing around and felt as though my breathing was fast

all of a sudden i felt as though if i didnt sit down at that moment i would collapse. i felt very breathless and strange feeling in my head. as if i wasnt with it and shakey

i really felt i would have collapsed if i didnt sit down

can anyone relate to this

please someone who has had this reply if you really have because i am now afraid to move

i really appreciate any comments you all have


ps this is a new symptom on me even though ive had anxiety for a long time which is why i am so worried

am i overbreathing. is this a symptom of overbreathing

01-09-06, 20:36

i wrote this on behalf of marcia who cannot get on to her computer because she is panicking about this symptom

just thought id see if any of you have had similar experiences that will make her feel more at ease


01-09-06, 21:09
Hi there, rushing around, putting twins to bed, probably no food not enough water, lack of sleep and the dizziness hits, the fear strikes,and off we go! Have a look at older posts on head rushes and dizziness, i believe it is a very common symptom with anxiety. You will be fine and will not faint or die, if you need to rest, try to do that whilst the twins are sleeping, try not to dwell to much, it is just one of those days and another awful symptom of anxiety! xxx

01-09-06, 21:12
thats very strange ive not long got back after spending the night in hospital cos i really thought i was going to collapse in a heap iwas also rushing around as all us women do any how it started with me going really dizzy and my heart was pounding ten to the dozen anyway the dizziness wouldent stop and i felt really bad so i went along to the hospital i was shocked when they put me on the heart monitor and done a few blood tests anyway it came back that i was stressed and doing to much the doc said it was my body tellin me to slow down its so hard to do when you have a family.anyway i still feel as thou im going to collapse and im so frightened incase it happens when im on my own i suffer with anxiety anyway so i suppose this symptom will be a new one to the collection of all the other unwanted symptoms i already have

t motown

01-09-06, 23:14
Hi Jackie, Hi Marcia,

I've had this symptom before, Had you had anything to eat at all because I mainly get this symptom when I am hungry, although sometimes if I have eaten recently, it will feel as though I get low blood sugar and have to eat something or I feel as though I will collapse. I have noticed that I would get this more often if if was hot, or around the time of the month.

I got the Claire Weekes book from the library, and she mentions this symptom in it, she says something like, If you sit still for around 10 minutes then this feeling will pass -- something to do with glucose if I remember right, It was a while ago that I read it.

I know when I have had this I felt really shaky, jelly legs, got a bit of a sweat on, felt dizzy, breathless and panicky as Hell.

I know how horrible this can be, and I hope you feel better now.

Take Care



01-09-06, 23:40
It sunds a bit like the message i have just posted on here, i am told everything is ok by docs, but i just feel so ill.

It will be anxiety as normal no doubt! Is it ever anything else??!! So easy to write down here, but i cant even convince myself of this.

Def agree that rushing around not eating and lack of fluid would def make you feel like this, but as soon as you add the second fear the symptoms are worse, and you are focused in on what just happened so that you will not move a muscle incase it comes again, i did this last night with these bloody pains in my head got it just before bed, went to bed an did not dare move a muscle, did not sleep, just lay there waiting for something to happen, death i suppose, however i am still here, actually still here after 4 years of thinking i about to die, so i am suffering with a long long illness i suspect!

Try to watch TV or read a book, something to take your mind off it for a little while at least, our anxiety states make us tune into every physical sensation where as normal people would just let it go, we hang on to it for dear life waiting for the next symptom to come. God I hate this!!

I saw a CBT therapist last night, was ok didnt tell me much that i didnt already know, but she did say that it is proven that people with anxiety only spend 20% of there attention on the outside world, what is going on around them and the other 80% on themselves how they feel, she explained that a 'Normal Person' it is the opposite!! How mad is that!

Hope you feel better soon
