View Full Version : I saw my dr for my results

01-09-06, 20:45
My iron count was just 19 , should be 20-300, hehe so its abit low and im on iron. NOt worried about that at all, he told me I have nothing nasty at all, full blood count was normal[8D]

I had to have my sinus check up within the next week so asked my GP to see what he thought, he said I don't have an infection even though I have had facial pain and tenderness above my eyebrow the last 2 days, ive had alot of pain but he said drs do not give anti bs now for acute or chronic ( i have chronic) sinusitis, its a steroid spray for 3 mths and if no better referal to ENT specialist so 2 more months on the spray:(

I asked him how rare the chance of it turning to meningitis was and he said i have more chance of winning the lottery, would this reasure you?hehe, it sort of has but coz im in pain and feel ill the last 2 days with my sinuses im constantly thinking it will turn into meningitis. I am sick of worrying about it, its really getting to me now. Just wish this chronic sinusitis would go away so I could stop worrying about it:(

So thats my update, not quite sure how I feel, I should feel reassured.

01-09-06, 20:58
Hi there, please try to be re-assured by your doctor, they are the professionals and usually get it right!!! Does or can sinusutus turn into meningitis? My young nephew has sinusitus and it is a very long/hard job to get shot of, but meningitis hasn't been mentioned at all! He has downs also, and, no-one seems concerned? I don't mean to sound flippant, but please trust the doc. it will clear in time and you will be fine. take care and keep in touch. xxx

01-09-06, 21:02
Thanks Carlin,

Yeh i know I shouldn't still worry but as I have chronic sinus problems and mengintis is only linked with chronic im paranoid. Ive been suffering for months now:-(

Just wish they had given me anti bs to try to shift it. The other GP I saw about it a month ago said he didnt want to give me anti bs at this time and wanted to try a spray first, wish id seen him now but my dr today was adament that anti bs are not the way to treat it.

01-09-06, 21:17
Hi Jem,

I'm pleased for you and I guess I wont be needing the twine anymore eh lol. Be reasurred now my dear for a wee while anyway.

Take Care


01-09-06, 21:23
Thanks hun, I doubt it, im still worrying now that I should of been given anti bs incase its infection.

01-09-06, 23:19
Hi Jem,

I am anemic too, my number was 6 [:O] ! If the pills end up upsetting your tummy try the liquid iron, it is easier to take but temporarily stain your teeth. I just thought I would pass this on! Hope you feel better soon. Take care.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

02-09-06, 09:26
Thx Belle:-)

02-09-06, 11:46
Hi Jem

thats great news hun, so easily sorted.

take care

leanne x

i just wanna feel normal

02-09-06, 12:20
Hi good news!

Have you taken iron before?
If not, don't worry if your poo goes black! Normal, but disgusting, side effect.
Just thought I'd mention it!

02-09-06, 14:21
hi jem glad it went well for you!once you the iron kicks in it will make you feel moch better
take care rachel x

02-09-06, 15:06
Bet you will feel like a new person once the iron kicks in!!

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

02-09-06, 18:03
Thanks very much. Yes ive taken iron twice during my pregnancies, gave me an upset tum and yes black poo, hehe!!