View Full Version : Why do I see blue flash of neon spots in my vision? Scared of Epilepsy AGAIN!

24-01-13, 23:48
Hi all,

Basically, I was fine for 4 weeks, until I started to question the blue spot of light I get from time to time in my vision, It is just the 1 dot, its blue and it just pops up for less than a second, a bit like a laser pen,

I Googled this and I clicked on a forum, and it said it might be temporal Lobe epilepsy,
why is it that every time I have a fear not related to epilepsy, I see that name randomly, its so annoying,

Does anyone else get the blue light?

I hope its nothing, and its not anxiety as I wasnt anxious for 4weeks and I still had them,
I also go on the laptop a lot,
could that be an issue?

Also, can anyone get epilepsy?, even without a head injury?
never had one, other than a few bangs and bumps on the wall but nothing that made me go unconscious.

25-01-13, 00:02
It's unlikely to be epilepsy. Far more likely overuse of laptop, tiredness or low blood sugar, but I'm not a doctor.

Does it cause any disruption to your life whatsoever? (The blue dot, not the fear of what that blue dot might signify). If the answer is no, stop worrying about it. Everyone gets these weird symptoms from time to time.

25-01-13, 00:15
Maybe its just a floater or something? My daughter has epilepsy and it doesnt sound like anything she ever had if thats any help? Also she has been taking minimal medication for hers for years and has been fine

25-01-13, 13:12
Maybe its just a floater or something? My daughter has epilepsy and it doesnt sound like anything she ever had if thats any help? Also she has been taking minimal medication for hers for years and has been fine

I doesn't really annoy me, but when it does happen, I do notice it,
and I think about it more,
and yesterday, after seeing the lights, I was really tired as was about to doze of, and I got "shaken" awake, I don't know if thats related to the blue lights and epilepsy, I just cant cope with it,

And I do spend more than hours on my laptop, for the last 4 years,

25-01-13, 14:40
Hi, I get these blue dots , sparks , after images , bright spots and for some time ,I think anxiety related . I think most people have them but don't notice them . I like you fear epilepsy after my nephew had a fit in front of me .( he was a alcoholic and it killed him ). I get occasional optic migraines as well. I know it's hard but try not to worry , you are not alone.

30-01-13, 17:33
I get these too. I started having them about 4 years ago and had one a couple of days back - my health anxiety has been high for about a month. Don't get the flashes regularly but they seem to come on during my stronger spells of HA. They're bright blue flashes on the edge of my vision and are so bright that I turn to see what's just flashed, but of course there's nothing there. I get occasional bright blue and sometimes white dots. I have no epilepsy.

I've come to the conclusion that they're another type of visual disturbance brought on by anxiety, similar to when I think I see something dark moving at the edge of my vision. I had that for years before I found out it's a symptom of anxiety.

29-12-17, 12:32
I have recently started seeing a blue light (dot) on occasion... very quick and almost on far peripheral. I thought maybe it was a Christmas light that was in peripheral but when i turned to look there was nothing there. Then I thought, maybe it was a residual image from a bright light (like seeing flashes after a photo).
I kept meaning to look it up... it keeps happening. Although it is not constant... it is sporadic. I do not believe I am stressed or anything... or anxious. Couple years ago a
I was seeing a flash of white in my peripheral (right eye)..I would turn thinking something or someone had thrown something or moved but there was never anything there. Came to find out it was related to retinal detachment (mine was very mild and healed itself with no further symptoms or damage) Now this blue light... like its a a dark blue light...right? how long has yours been going on? Did you see a doctor? I'm curious if I should actually go see one.

04-01-18, 14:18
My husband and i started seeing blue dots a few years ago. Neither of us us mentioned it to the other until one day I said something and he said "me too". A friend came over and we mentioned it to her and she silently shook her head in disbelief and I said "you too?". I had already put myself in Spock mode trying to figure if there were any environmental issues that may have factored in to the situation but I came up with nothing and subsequently it really didn't matter after our friend confirmed she had them as well. I searched on the internet at the time and found a forum about something entirely different and this one lady posed the question "Does anyone see blue dots?" I new then that this was something out of the ordinary. The blue dots were very prevalent for quite some time those 3-4yrs ago and then they stopped. But they are back now for both of us. Since mentioning this to another friend about 6 months ago( who pretty much poo pooed the idea of there being something to it) he texted my husband out of the blue and said he has seen blue dots. We haven't seen or talked to this dude in 3 months. Hmmm i wonder what he is thinking now??!! Okay so to my theory on what this is may be a little out there for your beliefs but hey it's food for thought. Science says that there are parallel universes so maybe we are changing and adapting so that maybe those blue dots are our bodies attempt at trying to see in other dimensions or color frequencies. Human vision can't see all color spectrums so maybe we are changing.