View Full Version : Hello all

25-01-13, 09:40
Hi everyone,

I found this website the other day after an idle Google search for 'Citalapram and alcohol'. I've read a few of the articles and a few forum posts and thought I should sign up and introduce myself.

I've been suffering from panic attacks and mild depression for, as far as I can tell, about 20 years (I'm currently mid-thirties). This is something I've only come to recognise in the last five years or so, and it came as something of an epiphany. I used to think panic attacks were just me feeling really faint.

During last year the frequency of my panic attacks started rising until, just before Christmas, my partner convinced me to go the Doctors.

This was a wonderful experience, as apart from my partner, I had told no one anything. I had even played things down a little to my partner in order not to worry her too much. My Doctor was an incredibly understanding and reassuring women and, after a really helpful chat, diagnosed Panic Disorder and put me on 20mg of Citalapram (after an initial spell on 10mg to adjust).

Initially, things felt great. Whether it was the 'power of an intervention', the placebo effect or the drugs themselves...or a combination of all three, the first month was amazing. However, after the new year I suddenly started feeling awful. I was getting panic attacks again, sometimes lasting hours at a time. It got so bad I was having approximately two a day.

The problem was my Doctor, who was heavily pregnant when I first saw her, was now on maternity leave. Her replacement was not quite as good, and when I told her how the last few weeks had been she basically just told me it was up to me what to do!

I've stayed on the 20mg of Citalapram, and based on some information I read here, have cut out caffeine. It might be coincidence, but since doing that things have improved. Today is day four of having no attacks. That is the longest spell of feeling normal since Christmas.

And that's my story. Thank you for listening :D

25-01-13, 09:46
hope the spell of good days continue! :welcome:

25-01-13, 09:50
Hi bringupasquid

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

25-01-13, 09:55
Cheers both :)

25-01-13, 12:07
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


25-01-13, 12:11
:welcome:to the site
Glad you found it, there's some great help here and best thing is that everyone can relate to how you may be feeling..nice to know you're not alone
Carmel x

25-01-13, 19:56
Thanks everyone...I already feel better to have found this place :)

25-01-13, 20:05
Hi :welcome:

25-01-13, 21:39
Welcome to the forums. :)

I'm glad that things are improving for you. I do think that caffeine can cause or exacerbate anxiety in some people. I always try to avoid tea or coffee - I remember once I had a big mug of coffee (that I was given at the hairdresser's) and I felt jittery and restless afterwards.

26-01-13, 00:00
Hello and :welcome: to the forum.

26-01-13, 07:10
Hi welcome to NMP. Hope you get as much from the site as I do

27-01-13, 15:33
Thanks again everyone :)