View Full Version : New girl

25-01-13, 10:43
Hi all!
I've been using this site for a couple of years now and find it so helpful, thought it was about time I joined. I had my first panic attack 12 years ago on my birthday when I was going out for a meal and ended up in a&e instead. My whole body cramped up, my chest tightened and I could hardly breathe. It was petrifying. Ever since I have suffered with anxiety on and off, sometimes I would be fine for months and other times it would last for weeks. It was always bad the day after drinking alcohol so I don't drink much anymore. I now suffer with health anxiety, most days I have a combination of symptoms including chest pain, pins and needles, breathlessness, tremors, palpitations, night sweats and upset stomach. I am tired all the time, can't concentrate on anything and I get irritated by things that aren't done the way I think they should be. My family neither understand or help. I feel like I do everything for my family - as well as having a job - and get nothing back from them. My partner watches tv and doesn't talk, sex life is non-existant. Wonder why I bother and just feel like I'm going to have a heart attack from stress! I've lost a lot of weight and eat rubbish just to try and make sure I don't lose anymore. Obviously all that sugar does nothing for my nerves, plus I smoke, which makes me feel less stressed at the time but blatantly exacerbates all my symptoms and the vicious circle continues!
That's my ramble, reassuring to know I'm not the only person who feels like this.

25-01-13, 10:53
Hi roxygirl

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

25-01-13, 10:57
Hi Roxygirl :)
You'll find lots of help here, and .here we are all in the same boat lol..
Hope you're having a ok day
Love Carmel x

25-01-13, 11:13
Hi Carmel,
Thanks for that, although I've been checking this site for a while, I decided it would be good for me to be able to chat with other 'sufferers' as I get no support at home. I've had a week off work to get on top of the housework (no rest for me!) but having time alone is just making my mind race with worrying thoughts and my symptoms manifest with the worry! Trying to keep busy. Hope you are having a good day too. Thanks Nicola as well - fantastic site!

Daisy Sue
25-01-13, 11:14
hi Roxygirl, welcome to the forum :)

25-01-13, 11:25

25-01-13, 12:05
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


25-01-13, 12:42
Thanks guys, great to have a support network. I'm finding it really helpful. :)

26-01-13, 07:14
Hello and welcome officially to NMP. I'm sure you will get support here from others going through exactly what you are

26-01-13, 07:33

26-01-13, 19:34
:hugs:Welcome, hope you get all the support you need here