View Full Version : Sudden tiredness, weakness (Not Blood sugar)

01-09-06, 23:30

Am feeling really bad lately, apart from having severe headaches, been getting sudden feelings of being really hungry and weakness, shakiness inside, not with it, cant think straight, this is when i have not long eaten any times really, I am eating more and more to curp the hunger to aviod the symptoms but its not working.

i have been to the docs and my bloods all came back ok today, i also went to the chemist this morning and had a diabetes test, ok again, started to panic so made another appointment at doctors went this morning, she was baffaled and called another doctor in who said that this is a mystery as my bloods are all ok, so left with nothing but to keep a food diary, got it again bad now, so scared that there is somthing really wrong me that they have missed, how can i get these feelings but be ok, it doesnt make sense.

In the past i have had these feelings when i havent eaten, but not when i have eaten, scaring me so bad

Please let me know if anyone has had these feelings



01-09-06, 23:35
What are you eating when it happens?


01-09-06, 23:36
I used to get this with general anxiety too. Just one of the many things we have to cope with


01-09-06, 23:42
i eat quite heathy to be honest, mainly pasta, wholemeal bread, fruits, porridge, although tonight i did sneak a pizza in, but it just doesnt seem to make a difference what i eat.

How did you feel when you had these feelings, and what was it caused by?

02-09-06, 07:25
I saw a nutritionist who said I had low blood sugars.I spent over £300 seeing her.The symptoms are very similar to anxiety so its hard to diagnose as you dont have to have diabetes to have low blood sugars.Eat little and often.
My blood test all came back clear to.I still think mine is anxiety as all the symptoms are the same.Dizziness, tiredness,no energy,shakey,headaches ect.
Start the day with a good bowl of porridge.Usualy with blood sugars it settles when you have eaten.I think like nicola you get all these symptoms with anxiety.;)
Hope you feel better soon.

Ellen XX

05-09-09, 20:53
Hi Clarabell

Your post is from a few years ago, but if you get this reply I'd be really interested what your outcome was.

I also get a very similar kind of dizzy spell, where I get suddenly hungry, shakey, a weird taste in my mouth and can't concentrate. I feel like it is also contributing to a sort of ongoing loss of concentration, and of my brain not working as well as I expect it to. I'm not over-focussing on it as I've let it pass for 2 years before seeing my GP, putting it down to overwork, or my vegetarianism, or mild early symptoms of diabetes which everyone in my family seems to have.

Well I've had a whole series of glucose and iron blood tests and everything's fine. My doctor has categorically said my diet is perfectly healthy and it is pretty definitely not the cause.

So what next?
Well the doctor suggested it may be down to a thing called 'absence seizures' a mild form of epilepsy, which I'm now booked to see a neurologist about. I phoned my doctor about this saying I'm really not convinced, and she's said just to see them even if it's to eliminate it.

I'm putting it out of my mind until the appointment (which true NHS style isn't for another 6 weeks)

In the meantime I'm looking at some options that would be more under my control, like cutting down on alcohol, making sure I get to bed at a reasonable time every night, and making sure I have some fresh fruit once in a while.

I still think it may be due to iron or blood sugar... please let me know what you found out as your symptoms sound so similar?

04-02-13, 08:15
Hi there,
I can see its an old thread but I have been experiencing very strange symptoms of overwhelming tiredness, falling asleep in seconds, as soon as my body is comfortable, there is no warning, no signs of tiredness, I can be sat watching tv, reading, or just relaxing, it has even happened while sitting at a set of traffic lights at 10am !
This is something I have absolutely no control over , the ONLY time I can feel it coming on is when i am driving, I have a massive drop in energy and my focal awareness isnt good. All I do is pull off the road, sit back and let it take over.
The sleep is very deep almost immediately, it can be for anywhere from 10 mins to 25 on the side of the road. Trucks hurtling by and cars make no difference to me.
I have fallen asleep in the dentist chair, in the waiting room at the doctor, at a concert with the 6 tenors, slept through the whole live performance on stage and never heard a thing!
It can sound pretty funny when you read this but for me it is consuming my life, i have been tested for narcolepsy , I do use a CPAP machine to try and get a better sleep, currently I am 15 kgs over weight, mostly because I am so lethargic these days. I used to play squash 4 times a week and my weight was always 81 kgs.
Recent years it has gone up to 100 kgs .
OK, my doctor has tried everything to get to the bottome of this, but one thing I have noticed is this.
It may be a coincidence but if I stop eating carbs in ANY form, the problem is greatly diminished. Seriously.
It takes about a week to take on a noticeable effect but I can definately feel better, fitter, more energetic and more focussed.
At the moment I have seen an endocrine specialist, his immediate advice was to lose 15 kgs then come back to see him.
His opinion is that it is all weight related ?
Well, there you go .... anyone else had a similar story to mine ?
