View Full Version : Introducing me

25-01-13, 11:07
Hi all,

I'm a 34 year old married father of two, working in the civil engineering industry.

I have suffered with generalised anxiety for as long as I can remember though I think I have only realised this in the last year or so.

My most significant reaction comes whenever I have to travel. Most people love going on holiday, and so do I once i'm there but the weeks of hell I have to endure beforehand are a real strain on myself and my family.

I'm not currently taking any meds as I have not found anything that helps. I'm trying seeing a hypnotherapist currently to try and see if this can help.

Joined the site in the hope of getting some views of others with similar problems.


Daisy Sue
25-01-13, 11:12
hi Charles, welcome to the forum :)

i always feel safest when i'm at home, and when my anxiety is bad, the further i travel from home the worse i feel... so i know what you mean.

i'm sure you'll get lots of support & information here, this is a fantastic forum :)

25-01-13, 11:17
Hi CharlesBC

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

25-01-13, 11:19
Hi Charles,

I'm from Australia, teaching English in an Engineering Faculty in Japan. I suffered from GAD for many years. I now am taking a combination of mirtazapine and pregabalin, which keeps the GAD quiet and enables me to work abroad, and work to help my civil (and other) engineering students to become global engineers.

Please post again if you have any questions.

25-01-13, 11:26

25-01-13, 11:41
Funny thing is anyone who knows me apart from family would describe me as laid back and are pretty shocked to find out how I really feel.

I'm desperate not to pass this on to my kids and my oldest is 7 and sharp as a tack not much gets past her.

I'd like to find a way of getting through life a little easier, i'm sure you'll all appreciate how draining it can be to fight your instincts 24/7.

I'd prefer no meds if I can but open to anything really.

26-01-13, 11:09
Hi Charles,

People are pretty accepting - they have their worries and anxieties too.

As for kids, I think the key is not to make them feel responsible for either causing your condition or for making you feel better. Free of that, give them all the love you have. You can always explain your problems in terms they understand, like "Dad always worries too much. Just ignore it". They will.

Don't be afraid of meds - they have helped me and countless others. However, some kind of talk therapy is regarded as the first option. It can be arranged through your GP.

Best of luck.

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As a random thought, would it help for you to arrange that your partner and children went on vacation a day or two ahead of you? That way, you can travel alone without your stresses affecting anyone else, and you can meet up with your family when any minor settling in problems have been solved on the other side. It's just a thought - I've never tried anything like this.

28-01-13, 12:35
Hi Charles,

People are pretty accepting - they have their worries and anxieties too.

As for kids, I think the key is not to make them feel responsible for either causing your condition or for making you feel better. Free of that, give them all the love you have. You can always explain your problems in terms they understand, like "Dad always worries too much. Just ignore it". They will.

Don't be afraid of meds - they have helped me and countless others. However, some kind of talk therapy is regarded as the first option. It can be arranged through your GP.

Best of luck.

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As a random thought, would it help for you to arrange that your partner and children went on vacation a day or two ahead of you? That way, you can travel alone without your stresses affecting anyone else, and you can meet up with your family when any minor settling in problems have been solved on the other side. It's just a thought - I've never tried anything like this.

My wife is actually away at the moment, left on sat and this made me quite anxious anticipating her going. Now she's gone I'm better. It's a travel thing in general, I think i'm going to have to face it head on with a bit of medical help and some more face to face therapy and hope I can make some progress.

I don't ever expect to be totally free of this just want it to be at a level that I can manage.

Thanks for the suggestions. My only problem with Meds they have prescribed (Fluoxetine) is that it seems common side effects of them are exactly what i'm trying to free myself of. I've had citalopram, and amyltripaline before which made me very light headed and irriatable so i'm wary of starting anything else.

29-01-13, 00:37
You might want to try pregabalin, which works differently from ADs and is licensed in the UK for general anxiety. It does often have some initial side effects and doesn't work for everyone, but it's worth a try.