View Full Version : First night out. Heart worries.

becks xxx
25-01-13, 13:30
So it's my first time in a club tonight for a friends birthday.. I'm getting so nervous. My propranolol would have worn off by tonight so my heart will be able to race, I don't know what time to take my sertraline tonight as I will be drinking a bit and I'm getting in a state over heart worries. I've been very stresse lately with planning to start college again etc .. And I'm so stressed about tonight I keep thinking I will have a heart attack. Just so concerned how much more of all of this my heart can take. So worried about my heart :-(

25-01-13, 17:22
just focus on enjoying yourself! You will be fine :D

25-01-13, 18:17
You are going to have so much fun, there will be no time to feel nervous. Go honey and enjoy yourself, you will be fine. I've been worried about my heart for a long time, and thank goodness its still ticking, and yours will still be ticking also. Go have fun I am sure you deserve it.

25-01-13, 18:30
If this is an ongoing concern perhaps you should discuss with your doctors taking slow release propananol. My doctor tried me on these when we attempted the beta blocker route. They release slow and steady amounts so you don't have a wear off. Hope this helps x x