View Full Version : my scan appointment on the 31/8/06

02-09-06, 00:42
at the begining of the day i had a terrible headache and i was in two minds in going for my scan. i was sooooo nervous and had worried about it for days. eventually i had enough courage to go and i was thinking to my self
could i really manage to go on my own?
But really there was no other option cus my partner had to look after our son.
On the bus i became anxious and began to feel a panic attack coming on, so at a few stops earlier i had to get off the bus
i was feeling sick and very very panicky.
i ran into a church that was near the bus stop
luckily there was a woman in there who i could talk to and tell her how ill i felt.
she insisted on taking me to the nearest doctors.
could i carry on after id had this panic attack i kept thinking?
i desperately need to have this scan to make certain there was nothing seriously wrong with me
so after trying to calm myself down i decided that id got no choice and managed to make it to the hospital.once upon arriving at the hospital i went to the scan and was sick then after that i was about to come hone on the bus had another panick attck and i rushed back in to the hospital and explained to them what going on and i asked them to ring me a taxis back home
finally got back home and was sick as soon as i got in and it didnt stop until 1pm this after noon

I am ever so very pleased and proud of myself for doing this and i did it all by myself

02-09-06, 01:07
Bel Bel Bel wow see you did it. Al by yourself too god girl im impressed. Well done you. Im proud of you and thats it all over with.

Take Care


02-09-06, 01:44
Hi Bell,

You have been through so very much and I am so proud of you! You really have had a rough week and you are a strong woman, never forget that. I am proud to call you my friend.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

02-09-06, 04:22
Congrats bell you did it. You're a strong woman! I believe in you. So proud of ya!

Take Care of You,


Granny Primark
02-09-06, 11:36
Bell im soo pleased that you could do it.
It must have been so difficult for you to carry on after the panic attack on the bus.
It just goes to prove how strong you are.
Iam so proud of you.
What a week youve had! Your life has really been like a roller coaster ride this week.
Youve have been so brave and strong this week and i am so pleased to have you as my friend cum 2nd daughter.

Love ya loads sug

Take care

polly daydream
02-09-06, 19:55
Good on you Bell, very proud of you, well done!

Take care,

Polly x

02-09-06, 21:13
thanks all
i aprriate the well dones
thanks all agaian bell

Sue K with 5
03-09-06, 00:23
Bell you did brilliantly honey that was a huge hurdle you crossed and to fight it as hard as you did was an amazing show of strength.

You have pushed yourself to limits and proven it can be done, Dont lose sight of how great you did honey

Keep fighting




03-09-06, 10:45
thanks hun

03-09-06, 13:30
Hey Bell.

Well done for doing it hun. Sorry that you had a panic attack, hope you are feeling better now. That was good that there was a woman to help you.

x x

03-09-06, 22:45
Hi Bel

Well done you really pleased for you hun

Take care



Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

03-09-06, 23:55
Congratulations on coping with that by yourself. Well done Bel.


I love you in place where there's no space or time
I love you for in my life you are a friend of mine
And when my life is over remember when we were together
We were alone and I was singing this song for you

~The Carpenters~

05-09-06, 09:32
[Wow!]thats brill news!!!
congratulations! you must feel so proud that you managed to get that far!!!
shell xxx